
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:35:06
my favorite food is ____. Fish is my favorite food.(变为同义句)I___ fish ______. My favorite food is noodles 同义句My favorite food is noodles同义句 改错There are four season in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn or winter.There are four season in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn or winter.In spring there are many beautiful flowers on the garden.The birds begin to sing songs.In summer the 液压缸内径过大怎么办内径为80的缸体,现在活塞装上去间隙太大,要怎么返工!活塞头上的密封件已经装上,缝隙还是大,要怎么改缸体内径!可不可以直接在缸体内壁镀一层硌!急需在线等!谢谢! 1/1×2=1-1/2,1/2×3=1/2-1/3,1/3×4=1/3-1/4,1/4×5=1/4-1/5 则第十个式子是-_____=--___第n个算式是-_--_____=__根据以上规律解答下题:若有理数a.b满足a-1的绝对值+(b-3)²=0,试求1/ab+1/(a+2)(b+2)+1/(a+4)(b+4)+.+1/(a 在哪一个盒子里?英文怎么说? 歌词中有best way we like it 是什么 是什么歌曲里的?不是best way we like it ,是that's way we like it 还有一句是Let's do it. there are four seasons in a year.they are spring,summer,fall and winter.Spring is warm and sunny.ththere are four seasons in a year.they are spring,summer,fall and winter.Spring is warm and sunny.The thees 15个书包用英语怎么说(短语) 我的书包在哪里英文词组 Bring your desks here,please.和Move your desks here,please. 我的书包里有一本英语书,盒子里有一些牛奶,教室里有29张课桌的英语怎么写? Would you please__ (not put) your bike here? Bring your CDs to here,please 这个句子 有错吗 怎么改 Here are your new clothes,please( )A put on them B put it on C put them on ---A single room ,please.---OK.Will you please____me your ID card?----Here you are.A.tell B.serve C.send D.show 背景墙 听说镜子不能正对大门,我家进大门看到一面墙,设计是一块紫(灰)镜上贴白色雕塑,会影响风水吗 家中大镜子正对大门犯风水吗 风水知识对面店内镜子对着我店大门,要放八卦吗 There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the best one.When the weather例:There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the b(est)one.There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the b(est)one.When the weather g() warm,birds begin to sing 氮气管道上能用闸阀吗? 如图8所示是某同学向上跳台阶进行晨练时的情景)如图所示,铁明同学向上跳台阶进行晨练,铁明重500N,在10s内匀速连跳12个台阶,每个台阶的高度为0.2m.在这个过程中,已知铁明克服摩擦做功为2800 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AD垂直DB,AC与BD相交与点O,OD=1角CAD=30度,求AC和DC的长 平行四边形ABCD的两条对角线AC,BD相交于点O;若AO=3,BO=4,AB=5,则OD=(),OC=(),CD=(),AD=() (2012•新疆)库尔勒某乡A,B两村盛产香梨,A村有香梨200吨,B村有香梨300吨,现将这些香梨运到C,D两个冷藏仓库.已知C仓库可储存240吨,D仓库可储存260吨,从A村运往C,D两处的费用分别为每吨40 为什么用不耐水的石灰拌成的灰土,三合土具有一定的耐水性 石灰是气硬性胶凝材料,但灰土能做基础垫层用于潮湿环境,这是为什么? 请用“want”造一个一般疑问句和特殊疑问句. Hot dogs are as delicious as sandwiches.改成否定句和疑问句Hot dogs are as delicious as sandwiches.否定句“Hot dogs aren't as delicious as sandwiches. The food will be hot dogs and apple pie.(改为反义疑问句) 如图,平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC和BD交于点O,点E为边CD的中点,连接OE,若AD=5cm,则OE的长为----------