
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:32:23
《假如给我三天光明》讲的是什么? 从日日草文章中找出2组近义词下面就是日日草的文章一株日日草生长在路边,它矮矮的身材,平凡的叶子,普通的花朵.她每天唉声叹息,怨天尤人,抱怨上帝对她不够(公正、公开、公平). 有一 帮忙在这篇文章中找出折节和秉性的近义词~这梅花是我们中国最有名的花,旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花.她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开得愈精神,愈秀气.她是最有品格,有灵魂,有骨气 [-B4] I find these problems are easy _____.A.to be worked out B.to work them outC.to work out D.to be worked them out翻译并分析 I find these problems are easy ____a.to be worked out b.to work them outc.to work out d.to be worked them out选C 表是被动为什么不选A呢? don't play a trick to your little brother这句话的to为什么要改成with 500字~550字 够了~写得好追加50分 初一上学期的总结!{要例文} 优势的近义词是什么 优势的近义词 二年级作文我学会了什么 作文 假期我学会了什么 学会____ 求大一期末个人总结的范文,谢谢了∧_∧好的我会再追加分的! 初一期末总结范文 高尔基 童年 的读后感 370---400字间 从以下这段文字中找出一对近义词.榕树正在茂盛的时期,好像把它的全部生命力展示给我们看.那么多的绿叶,一簇堆在另一簇上面,不留一点儿缝隙.那那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛, 从文段中找出近义词找出:好似( ) 瑰丽( )文段是:黄果树瀑布是我国最大的瀑布.它宽约二十米,夏季水量大时宽达三四十米,谁是汹涌澎湃.宽阔巨大的水帘拍石击水,发出轰轰巨响,好似 在《可爱的祖国》这篇文章中,有哪两对近义词?谢谢! 伞的风格这篇文章 您能帮我找出一对近义词吗? I found()impossble for()to work out the math problemA it he B that he C that him D it him 选哪个为什么 Betty found _____ work out the math problem.A.it difficult B.that difficult C.it difficult to D.that difficult to 如何做好英语阅读理解 描写小猫吃饭的作文400字以上 急用啊要是一件事啊! is this maths problem 要用easy还是easily This math problems is not so --------(easy) i can work it out easily 1.This math problem is___.He can work it out___ a easy/easy b easy/easily ceasily/easy2.I can't sit ____Mary.She is talla near b in front of c behind3.Look ,the boy are playing___basketball and girls are playing__a balla \ /\ b the /with c\ / with4._ This maths problem is not easy.I can't work it out.RT 描写乌龟吃食的作文要有细节描写 The maths problem is wery easy.They can work it out=The maths problem is __ __ for ___ to __ ___急 改错the maths problem is so easy that i can work out The problem is _(easy).I can work it out_(easy)