
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:29:05
英文翻译:纸很早就在中国发明出来了急求啊!谢谢 "广州市品晶酒业有限公司"应该如何翻译成英文? 把He is repairing his bike改成被动语态 英语翻译nobody can answer this question,A.can he B.can they C.can't he D.can't they 间接引语中用if 或whether引导.两者怎么区分使用呢?一般疑问句的直接引语转换为间接引语的时候 可以用if 或whether.两者怎么区分使用呢?什么时候只可以用if 什么时候只可以用whether? 我的手工作品用英语怎么说 [英语]打电话时询问对方有什么事该怎么说?比如A给B打电话,B接电话后问A找他有什么事,请问问对方有什么事用英语该怎么说? 还有比如想约对方在某某广场见面应该怎么说? 英语翻译 为啥我不会英语呢? 在间接引语中if,whether的区别 The boy is lying on the beach ,with his eyes ______.A 、opening B、opened C、to be opening D、open英语选择, He lay in bed with his eyes后加open,opened,opening,是哪一个? 2400、2160、2070的最大公因数是多少啊如题 用同样的方砖铺地,铺2160平方分米的地面,需要60块.如果铺1800平方分米的地面需 今年植树2400棵,去年植树1800棵,通过2400/1800-100%这个算式可以求出().A、今年植树棵数是去年的百分之几B、去年植树棵数是今天的百分之几C、今年比去年增加百分之几D、今年比去年减少百 北京新东方一般一个班多少人如题 以正确的形式把单词填入括号中.What would you like.I'd like something[ ] (drink) 英语翻译First came here,I have tole everyone I with my mother,grandfather to live together.Although single-parent,but in my mother's state of mind open and democratic education,I grew up very good.Enthusiasm,confidence,kindness,are to teach my mo 有语法错误吗?如何改进呢?runner-up is none 外地的去北京新东方辅导主要带些什么?急用 法拉第的一生是怎样的 大学英语选择题16-20题号:16 The girl is ______ of a film star.a、somebodyb、somethingc、anybodyd、anyone题号:17 I would rather _______ two weeks earlier.a、you should come hereb、you come herec、you came hered、you had come here 题 以下三个句子句式转换走向社会,广交朋友,给我的生活赋予了价值改成反问句他急匆匆的奔向图书馆,认真的读书改成比喻句高粱熟了,稻子熟了改成拟人句急用三十分钟内 The chirld is (not only) healthy (but also) lively.把括号内的单词替换成意思相同或相近的单词A.as well B.also C.too D.as well as The girl is not only lively but also healthy.(改为同义句) The girl( )ofen( )( )( )this song. lt's Wednesday是什么意思 the weather turned out to be fine,( )we had not expected A AS B which 给理由 排列组合问题——480和1260公约数共有多少个, I t is important to finish this work in an hour转同义句:He is ______ ______ ______ this work in an hour. It——half an hour to finish drawing this pictureA.spends B.talks C.costs D.takes I'll be able to finish this essay ___(easy) in half an hour .(适当的形式填空) This isn’t ________ easy work.I can’t finish it in ________ hour.A.a……a B.an……a C.an……an