
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:26:48
直角三角形ABC,角BAC为直角,AD是BC边上的高,BC=4AD.求tanB是多少. 三角函数的题目细节我要问的是这个分别是怎么来的实在不记得了帮我答一下吧谢谢! I would never care of your whole 翻译通,不要白话文翻,全句如下:Life is a kind of edge; you may never have deliberately sought not,but you did not care about,but it will pale in comfortably to force the unexpecte Realistic society. Falsehood people . I think I should out . I have no acting talent . 是什么意思 These are all ___ in which people have been forced by society to endure much physical painA.examplesB.instancesC.casesD.environment 三角函数, 9.I like my Maths teacher.(一般疑问句并作否定回答)怎么做vbghnghngvnvbnvbnvbnbvnbvnvbvnbvnvnvnvnbvfjdsajfjklhvsdfklnfoiubjsoa;hnvildufovjlsjviufdhoisjdkvniufdbjiofksglnfiubsjee;lejvljfhsw;pjgvlfdhnbdfb z/;sdcvois[dcv.ksovdvfvkd;fjbiufdlj 给出下面三角函数:(1)y=根号(x^2-4x+5);(2)y=|x-1|-|x+3|;(3)y=(x^2-2x+4)/(x^2-3x+3),在这些函数中,其值域中仅含有有限个数的函数个数是.请给出分析,正确答案是两个. 谢谢了啊,给好评,初三三角函数 三角函数求值,谢谢给好评 高一三角函数计算给好评 根据化学方程式计算:加热分解5G绿化钾和加热分解5G高锰酸钾,分别能制取氧气多少克 what name would that be under,sir 这句的语法解析 一道三角函数题的做法,已知 f(x)=2sin⁴x+2cos⁴x+cos²2x-3(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期(2)求函数f(x)在闭区间[π/16,3π/16]上的最小值并求当f(x)取最小值时,x的取值 三角函数, 一道三角函数题,求思路… 高兴得( ) ( )里填两个字 she doesn't go( )(shop) in the evening. she doesn't go 9 0(shop) in the evening. 问题来了1.My father doesn't go out in the evening 同义句2.She does her homework in the evening否 PA=PC=√3PB,AB是⊙O的直径,⊙O经过P,试证明PC是⊙O的切线图片的地址: Some stones are on top of others .【汉译】 “康乾盛世”是指( )A、1661—1722年B、1661—1722年和1735—1795年C、1661—1795年D、整个清朝前期 Jim lives in a house ____ window is redwhere that which whose 直线l经点P(3,2),且与xy轴的正半轴交于AB两点,求AOB的最小面积 直线L经过点P(3,2)且与Xy轴的正半轴分别交于AB两点,三角形OAB的面积为十二求直线L的方程 I like the big house( )roof is red.A.which B.whose C.that D.whom我知道选C,可不可以讲一下本题解析, he lives in a house,whose door opens to the north.中的whose可以用of which代替吗? 我国数学家刘徽推导梯形面积公式 step into the void Please step out of the internet cafe and c6e back into the real world(求翻译)