
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:06:19
根据首字母补全单词,完成句子 请教一道六年级下册的英语题(根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词)I play football with my classmates (I ) Sunday. 2. I (I ) to music last night. 3.Did you (s ) English with Mike? 4. I 英语【根据句子内容,补全单词所缺字母】Dont't m______noise in class.January is the f______ month of the year.I'll g______some ice cream for you.The weather is very h______ in summer. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分用英语怎么说 台湾用英语怎么说 我心中的台湾用那个英语怎么说、急! 中国,台湾用英语怎么说? 英语翻译 过去分词作状语Being taught by A,B made great progress.此句的过去分词前为什么要加being? 什么情况下用现在、过去分词作状语? 【英语】根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1.if you don't know a new word ,please look it up in a d_______.2.My grandpa is over t________. 过去分词作状语1.He was hit by the lack of fresh air.He got a bad headache.2.I felt very tired after the long journey.I stillenjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.3.The museum was built in 1910.The museum is almost 100 years old.4.The 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词Look!It is raining outside.You'd better out on your raincoat or take an u_______After doing much housework,my mother got very t________I got a_______with my classmate yesterday 作状语的的过去分词什么时候要用having +过去分词或者直接是过去分词呢 八上的英语,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(要快)1.Work hard,and your f__is not a dream.2.Things are looking p__good.3.The Big Big World is a very p__song.4.My grandma is old.There is something wrong with her h__. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子初一的单词I often (d )about my old friend2.It usually (t )her 25 minutes to go to school from her home3.I want to know what Bill (t )of the basketball game 4.On weekends ,he is (f ) 高中英语语法 非谓语动词中现代分词和过去分词做状语的区别我的印象中,现代分词一般表主动,过去分词一般表被动.可是书上也写有现代分词有表被动的情况,如:Not being seen by others ,the man w 谁能具体讲一下高中英语中的"过去分词作状语"的语法 高中英语语法题,用现在分词和过去分词的问题Faced with so much trouble,she still refused to give up. 现在分词做伴随状语和过去分做伴随状语区别? 过去分词和现在分词作状语时的具体区别是什么 有时态不同的说法么 比方说现在分词的主句必须是过去时态 “我来自印度” 英文翻译, 英语翻译. 这句英语是过去分词做状语吗Ashamed of having acted so rashly,Dimitri apologized to Aleko for having accused him.Ashamed of having acted so rashly,是过去分词做状语吗 请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子(每空一词)1.这里曾经有座桥There ____ ____ be a bridge here.2.迈克尔来中国已经有十年了.Michael has ____ in China ____ ten years.3.没有你的帮助,我不可能这么快就完成 根据所给汉语的意思,完成下列英语句子,每空一词.1、她太老,不能去旅游.She is too old ____ _____ ____ a _____ .2、抄袭别人的家庭作业是不对的.It's not right for you to _____ ______ _______. 【英语高手进!超急!】根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词!46. 学生们正在忙什么? What are the students ______ ______? 47. 朱老师去北京出差了. Mr Zhu has gone to Beijing ______ ______. 48.你听到 秦时明月那个人最好看男女角色都说说看那个人最好看就是.要有理由的大家说说嘛 秦时明月阴阳家有哪些人 【英语题】根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1.莉莉给她的父母一周打两次电话Lily_____ _____ _____ _____to her parents twice a week. 2.为什么不和你妈妈去购物呢?______ ______go shopping with your mum? 3. 根据汉语句子意思完成下题(每空一词)请告诉我你叔叔的情况.Please ____me____about your uncie. 根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词1.所有其他的东西都是他们的.All the________ ________are_______.2.你早餐吃些什么?What would you___________ _______breskfast?3.我可以