
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:01:49
有木有什么好听点的DJ,像wild wild web这样的歌曲, hug it Let's Hug it out 怎么记单词才不会那么枯燥,语法总忘怎么办啊, 描写童年的英文小短文50-70个字, 我说你行,你说你不行,你就不行;我说你不行,你说你行,你就行.翻译成“I say you can,you say you can't,you will be not able to do it.I say you can't,you say you can,you will be able to do it.” 这样说对吗,帮我挑挑错 If I had wings,I would fly in the sky.Have I got wings?No,I haven't.So I can't fly.If I had ten million yuan,I would buy a big house.Have I got ten million yuan?No,I havent.So I don't have a house.If the water in the Pasific Ocean could be poured out 请帮我挑挑错 First I think copying others'homework isn't right.I know the teachers ask us to do many homework and the homework is difficult .The most importment is many student isn't interested in studying and they are lazy .But they must finis break 和divide怎么区别 (5/2a-3b)^8的展开式的第五项的二项式系数为 在(2x-y)^6的展开式中,第五项的系数为多少?二项式系数最大的项为? 下面是一份会议纪要中的几段文宇,根据其内容,起草一份召开该会议的通知(10.写作要求:内容要明确,事项要清楚;格式要正确,写法要规范(可只写标题、主送机关、正文、发文机关和发文 今天下午2:00在大队部召开中队长会议,拟一个通知 瘦的近反义词 I'm examining the composition he has just finished ______ the possible mistakes inI'm examining the composition he has just finished _____the possible mistakes in it .A correcting B to correct C corrected D correct为什么选B?finish后面不是不 白驹远志,古人所箴.这句诗怎样解释? From what has been discussed above,as fa as i am concerd,as a studengs,i am inclined to ty my best to advocate the concept of studying abroad.其中的这句as fa as i am concered ,为什么是concer的ed形式? 解释句意 hug什么意思 a是一个3项式,b是一个4项式,则a乘b的多项式项数是几项? 开会通知怎么写 有示例最好^ 会议纪要怎么写?能给范例吗? 最近听不到有关嫦蛾一号卫星的消息了,怎么了?是不是出什么问题了! 对称多项式的二次二项式,二次三项式 there are many kinds of food of different colors,so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful,too. 如何书写Use Case java switch方法 case条件为1,2,4时 都执行方法1;case条件为3,5时,执行方法2.请问 有简便写法吗? 如果学会查看地理地图,为什么有人一看到一个地方就知道这个地方东经西经多少度 经纬度:在府视图上怎样知道是东经,西经? 管理人员,开会主要说什么 什么是系统用例图?它和业务用例图有什么区别吗? 什么是用例图 He is ____as any of us .He is ____as any of us .A.a good swimmerB.a swimmer as goodc.as good a swimmerd.as a good swimmer请给出理由.