
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:11:56
誉品要出新手机了,等了这么久终于等到要出小刚手机了,大家觉得誉品手机怎么样? 怎么写呢.She______(not leave) home until you____(call) her tomorrow 《中国人,我为你骄傲》怎没写,急!这次老师让我们写一篇抒情散文,名叫《中国人,我为你骄傲》 When she got home,her children had slept.哪个是主句哪个是从句?为什么? I got up at seven this morning .at seven同上 There ____________ an interesting cartoon on CCTV- 6 at seven thirty this eveningA.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.will to be what ____________at seven this morning?A.is she doing B.does she do C.did she D.was she doing 人死后,再转胎会有记忆吗 有科学家说过能量是不会消失的,只会转换成别的能量?那么在太空中,一个匀速直线运动的小球,在不受力的情况下(只有惯性),速度约每秒2cm,如果它在运行中宇航员用手抓住它,那么球的动能 He usually shaves in the morning.划线部分为:shaves 对划线部分提问 he begins to work at 8:00 in the morning.对划线部分提问 at 8:00画线 组织结构图是有一定( ) 关系的图形,在日常的工作中经常用到. 如图,DE是△ABC的中位线,F是DE的中点,若CF的延长线交AD于G,计算AG:GD 如图,在△ABC中,BC上的中线AD和AC上的中线BE相交于点G,那么AG/GD=________,△ABC的面积是△ABG的面积的_______倍 在ΔABC中,AD和BE是Δ的中线,G是AD和BE的交点(即重心)求证AG:GD=1:2 几道数学题,求解!要过程!1.已知(A-3)^2与|B+5|互为相反数求AB的值2.观察下面的等式9-1=816-4=1225-9=1636-16=20...设N为自然数,且N≥1 ,试用关于N的等式表示出你所发现的规律.3.若按偶奇分类,则2^2004+3^20 为了拉动内需,全国各地汽车购置税补贴活动在2009年正式开始.某经销商在政策出台前一个月共售出某品牌汽车的手动型和自动型共960台,政策出台后的第一个月售出这两种型号的汽车共1228台, 1.一项工程,甲队单独修要120天完成,如果甲队先做10天,乙队再做5天,就可以修完全程的24分之5,求乙队单独做要多少天?2.客车从A地到B地需8小时,货车从B地A地需12小时,两车同时从两地相对开出, 几道数学题 要过程 求解 谢谢了!1.已知x^2-5x=11,求(x-1)(2x-1)-(x+1)^2的值2.(0.04)^201X((-5)^201)^23.(-8)^2011X(-0.125)^20124.(-2)^202+(-2)^203还有一个m^2-n^+m-n 65336=FF38H如何计算,我是初学者,书上也没写看不懂啊! found the students seated at tables and had their eyes1.We found the students seated at tables and had their eyes _____ on the scene of the launch of Shenzhou V spaceship.A.fixed B.fix C.fixing D.to fix 此题答案是A,但怎么翻译呢?had their e we found the work hard to do .为什么不能用we found the work hard for doing.解释具体点...还有..he went on sy that it was as important to respect others as ()by others A being respected B have seen C seeing D having seen解释具体点... 为一件不值得的东西放弃所有美好的东西是什么词 趁着一时高兴是哪个词语 填上合适的词语那题 清澈……造句 造句 清楚 改错 英语I am going to have a cup of coffee behind my lunchHe should tells his mother the truth.I have yet finished my work so far.We haven't seen her since five years.I stayed at the home yesterday afternoon.Hey,Mike!I saw you in televsion last 是祖国文化史上 也是世界文化史上造句 除去植物细胞壁的常用方法是什么? 造句 仿照下列句式下一组我国历史上志士仁人不畏强暴,凛然不可侵犯的事例.在秦王的淫威面前,唐雎凛然不惧,捍卫了祖国的尊严.至少两个. 散步 用一个词来概括本文的事件