
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:13:30
元史. 元史列传十四(伯颜)伯颜,蒙古八邻部人,长于西域.至元初,旭烈兀遣入奏事,世祖见其貌伟,听其言厉,曰:“非诸侯王臣也,其留事朕.”与谋国事,恒出廷臣右,世祖益贤之,敕以中书右丞相安童 在3 X 4CM的长方形纸上,剪棱长1CM的正方体的展开图形,怎样剪最省纸,为什么,请画图 koalas应选jump,fly,walk,swim,climb,run中应选什么 1.写同类的词what()()2.加ing,walk()skate()run()jump()3.反义词come()small()3.l often v()g() on theWeekend(2)what,s(,在上方)your favourite season?spring.because f() k(). 她会说英语吗 英文怎么说 You've never seen such a beautiful picture before, have you?翻译 You've never seen such a beautiful place before,have you?这句话是什么句型? in+一个单词+of 构成的短语,限高考词汇,越全越好 再接再厉终会成功这句名人名言用英语怎么说 经过一个月的努力终于升级了,要再接再厉.用英语怎么说? 1.____Newton started to do experiments,he forgot about the time.(A)Since (B) Once2.We believe in him,so we'd never ____ his honesty.(A) demand (B) question并请说明理由,谢谢 You have to crawl before you can walk. 中文是什么意思? i stopped walking because i wanted to have rest 这句话怎么翻译 为什么填walking 英语翻译.. 主语+be+the+形容词最高级+单数名词+in/of短语Tom is the tallest in his class./of all the studentsTom is the tallest in his class./of all the students 这个students不是复数吗?不是不一样了吗 用名词短语改写句子The rice which grous in this area is of special kind. in spite of the fact that后面跟句子还是名词 洛阳哪家综合英语口语比较好? 我想参加个英语口语提高班在北京这种班也挺难找的,我上网也搜了,也问朋友们了,都没有我想要的,就来这里碰碰运气.有同学了解这方面情况的吗?介绍下吧, 暑假了,想报个英语口语班,洛阳那里的比较好啊? “我希望再接再厉,拿到更好的成绩”用英语怎么说? 形容继往开来 再接再厉的诗句有哪些 你继往开来地做着一项伟大的事业,并且将继续持续下去用英语怎么说? 互相写信用英文怎么说 “一个人走”的英文怎么说表示自己一个人,没有其他人陪我知道肯定有很多种说法但要最好简便,最好看,最常用的因为我弄空间名称 英语翻译i haven't been home for a while i'm sure everything's the same mom and dad both in denial an only child to take the blame sorry,mom,but i don't miss you father's no name you deserve i'm just a kid with no ambitions wouldn't come home for 介词短语表示范围 IN 和 OF 的区别八年级英语,学最高级句末要加表示范围的介词短语,求“in”和‘of’的区别,在线等~ 英语翻译单词倒是都能查到但是仍然有些地方不知道啥意思 求 【in+词+of】结构词组,如:in charge of,in need of,in spite of 要常用的,越多越好. 英语翻译搜索[i saw you walking in the rain]歌词i saw you (and her) walking in the rainyou were holding hands and i will never be the sametossing and turning another sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window panejumped into my car didn 他们都考得很好+用英语怎么说