
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:37:35
四边形 (4 21:1:55)平行四边形周长为36cm,一组邻边比为4∶5,则平行四边形较长边为( )A.10   B.16   C.18   D.20A B C D第2题5平行四边形ABCD中,∠A的余角与∠B的 九年级科学课时特训答案 When I'm free,I often fly I often fly kites I often fly kites ____ ____ ______When I'm free,I often fly I often fly kitesI often fly kites ____ ____ ______ _______题目打错了(改同义句) When I'm free,I often fly I often fly kites ____ ____ _____When I'm free,I often fly I often fly kitesI often fly kites ____ ____ ______ ________ when lost in work,___he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping. 1.as 2.which 3.that 4.what why? t^2-8t-12=0 十字相乘法 when in spring the sweet showers fall 比较级练习SOS!快!今晚就要,好的再+分变型young tall long shortshort strong big small fat thin heavy lightnice good low highslow fast early hot1.My brother is two years (old 1.He ran and ran,but he couldn't run_____to catch the bus.A.fast enough B.quick enough C.enough fast D.enough quickly2.I think I'm_____ enough to go to school.A.good B.well C.better D.best 3.Better______ than never.A.late B.the later C.later D.the la 已知X=2,是方程aX+3bX+6=0的解,则3a+9b-5的值是多少? 请教英语达人,帮我看一下这句话有没有语法错误,顺便教我一下如何改,Finally,we propose the countermeasures to reduce the degree of dependence on foreign trade:to accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode,to expa 已知x=2是方程ax+3bx+6+0的解,求3a+9b-5的值 已知x等于2是方程ax加3bx加6等于0的解,则3a加9b减5的值是多少 在坐标平面上{y≥x-1.{y≤3丨x丨+1所表示的平面区域内整数点个数有---个? 稀释哪种酸必须把酸倒入水里?备选答案有:硝酸、盐酸、醋酸 用十字相乘法分解12x²+13x+3 -x²+5/12x+1/4如何用十字相乘法分解因式 十字相乘法:1.12x的平方+23xy-35y的平方 2.5a的平方b的平方+23ab-103.7(x+y)的立方-5(x+y)的平方-2(x+y)4.x的平方(x-2)的平方-9 小学英语比较级小学英语(苏教版)所有比较级和原级越多越好多的+分 小学英语题目关于比较级的II. 用所给词的正确形式填空.1. Turtles walk ____________ (slowly) than any other animal. 2. My brother is two years _____________(old) than me.3. Ben jumps _____________ (high) than some of the boys in hi 小学英语六年级比较级 小学英语比较级和最高级列个表出来要全....越多越好...只限于小学的... 不等式组{x+14(x-3)} 的解集为一切负数,求a的值. 已知不等式组X-3(X-2)≤4,(a+2X)/3>X-1的解集为1≤X<2,求a的值 数学指的是什么学 关于数学的学习学了这么多年的数学,觉得最弱的一项是自己的计算运用能力比如说遇到未知数分式化简的题目,我就不了了知了,因为我只会一种公式化简,其余的就根本不了解了, 准备一张矩形纸和一把剪刀,怎么能不利用测量工具就能剪出一个菱形的纸片 关于初二数学菱形的两道题!1、已知菱形ABCD的两条对角线的交点O,AB=5CM,OB=3CM,求菱形ABCD两条对角线的长度及它的面积.(这道题没有图,要自己画)2、如图已知菱形ABCD,边长为2cm,∠BAD=60°,求这 英语练习题,(比较级和最高级)12.This apple is ____ greener than that one.A.little B.a little C more D.many 13.The coat bought last week is too big for me .I’d like to change it for a _____ one .A.small B.large C.nicer D.smaller 14.30, 比较级的题目:他说英语说得比她更好用三种句型(than/not as··as··/less ··than) 九年级语文的重点课文有哪些? 几道英语比较级的题.改错题:1.The book in your hand is heavier than Li Lei.2.She is still in hospital.She looks even iller today.3.Please be as calmer as me.4.You should eat less ,drink less and sleep much.填空:1.-(fast) you wal