
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:14:01
英语句型,急用1.the family moved to Dalian years ago (保持句意基本不变)2.why dong it you read English stories every day (保持句意基本不变)3.He has answered all the quesitions( 一般疑问句)4.Has she visited China before( I don't know .Did Jack finish his homework?(改宾语从句)I don't know _______ Jack finished his homework.怎么改?为什么? Jack finish () {do} his English homework at 8: 00. 我现在暑期快结束了,还有三个月的时间可以用来提高英语水平?北京哪有短期班? 什么时候背课文效果最好 医学伦理学应用医学伦理学系统,说明自己对生命价值的认识 跪求一篇关于医学伦理学心得体会的论文 各位帮帮忙 急. 医学伦理学判断题医德规范是圣人先哲头脑中的“良知良能”.辅助生殖技术应坚持为大众服务的原则,任何人都可以使用.医生享有医疗决定权,所以病人不得对诊疗措施提出问题.医疗资源应 Students’ complaints _____ too much study burden were soon taken into consideration by the school.A.of\x05\x05B.for\x05\x05C.in\x05\x05D.withWhich one?Why? the financial consideration is most worried by many students who study abroad!the financial consideration is most worried by many students wroking abroad!这两句话?财政问题是最困扰留学生的! the reason was not clear.He was fired(解雇) for it改为定语从句The reason ______ _______ __________was fired was not clear in 1979 for the second year in succession he was fired是什么意思呀我对这句的时间弄糊涂了 现在还有男孩写书信给女孩吗?书信表达有什么好处? 请给你的外地朋友写一封关于你家乡当前季节的信.要用英文噢!急!急!急! 怎么写 正在给读高三儿子的信 今天我还得在写两封信.I have to write___ ____letters.=I have to write___ ____letters. he was up at once he noticed at once that discipline was slack,为什么discipline不加定冠词? had been doing是什么时态,从过去持续的现在?还是过去的过去?还是别的什么 尼罗河有多长?亚马森河离尼罗有多远/ 信签纸是一格格的,还是一横横的? 信签纸下面的数字是什么意思 给我发一份今年四级模拟的答案好吗 请提供一下今年四级英语模拟试题, mary always does her homework ofter school 用have改写 尼罗河长度 Lucy is better at PE than me改成同义句 杜甫的.秋兴八首(其一),咏怀古迹(其三).这两首诗!只要原文. every time I try grasp for air I cant stop ache 中文是什么这个中午是什么意思 The meal over ,the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to ______ their discussion.拜托各位大神A. put away B. take down C. look over D. carry on I hoped ____ my question.Aher to answer Bthat she would answer Cthat she will anwer Dher answering主要就是BC,为什么有人说只能选C 因为that后不能用虚拟语气