
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:36:01
most of students……和most students……的区别 Which food would you like,meat,turkey,fish when____by,I saw them playing basketball on the playground这里的横线上应该填passing还是passed 请问Version与Edition的区别和用法.如题. 软件的"英文版"是用English Edition 还是English version 好 出人意料——翻译成英文 高手请告知version与 edition的区别?要说某种软件的版本应该用哪个词呢?查字典看到两个在计算机词汇中都是版本的意思,想弄清楚它们的区别.请不要复制字典上的解释来充当答案 version和edition的区别version和edition这两个单词都可以当做版本的意思,但是有没有具体的使用区别呢? food怎么造句 有没有in the top of 近年来,不少中学生注册了博客,对此人们观点各异,有人认为写博客可以帮助学生展示自我,减缓压力,也有人认为它浪费时间,耽误学习.结合自己的看法写英语作文.开头:In recent years,it's a common must be表示一定是,后接动词原形,但为什么会是It must belong toTom.为什么不加be呢, You know"Learn from Lei Feng"a new on-line game with a famous Chinese_____as the main role?A.hero B.astronaut C.businessman D.scientist 忍者神龟2007玩不了?you must start the game with TMNT.exe 为啥? you have not started this campaign.to start a new campaign choose new game from the main menu.是变形金刚2里面的是我还没开始游戏 按正派狂派都出现这个 然后我一按OK就没了 谁能给我解释一下as的用法阿select id,column1 * column2 as column from table1谁明白这个语句的意思?希望把as的用法讲的明白些不是英语里面的as用法,是asp里面的用法 The file in you language is not yet available View the English version as表示连接的用法是什么? 《English version》歌词的中文翻译是什么?听了一整天了 我们有一门课名字是从音乐看世界,翻译成英语怎么说,用view,是不是See the World from view of music 英语翻译全文翻译. Nice to meet you again翻译中文 谢谢 请写出下列句子中被动语态的结构 1.The game is set on Mars.2.Many trees were planted last Springs. 极品飞车9秘籍怎么用啊!什么START GAME啊?极品飞车9秘籍怎么用啊!什么STAR GAME啊?什么start啊!说清楚前 total game control 注册码total game control 试用版老提示注册,挺不爽的,请问哪位有3.3.3或者3.3.4,3.5,还有3.6的注册码,随便一个版本的就行, Many childrren like eating ice()in summer.(lolly)是不是要填复数 我叫玲熙,给我取个英文名字,我叫杜伟,给我起个外号,英文的 报考黑龙江省考公务员没有英语四级可以吗? Only by shouting at the top of his voiceA、was he able to make himself hearB、he was able to make himself hear.C、he was able to make himself heardD、was he able to make himself heard . 解释一下下列句子中“且”、“所”的用法且:且夫臧获婢妾且负下未易居且从俗浮沉且鞮侯单于初立且单于信女令汉且贳陵罪驰椒丘且焉止息且暂还家去且适南冥也.彼且奚适也且举世而誉 能给我解释一下下面句子的as么?We're pleased to able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st August. 疑问代词是否只能放在不定式的前面