
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:59:36
Matlab数值解下面的方程,具体见图:如有建设性思路、想法,或具体的程序一定加分我这样这样画图的:fun_fan.m文件中:function [ fun ] = fun_fan( d,N_eff )lambda_0=1.55e-6;k_0=2.*pi./lambda_0;epsilon_m=-127.8-3. 计算:(-1/2x的三次方)的二次方除以2/5x Tim was a very poor boy ,but now he is very rich .Every dog has its day .(question:“Every dog has its day”翻译成汉语意思是什么?) ___ was very rich,he never helped the poor.A Because B when C if D while 应该是B,C中的一个,是哪个?说错了 B ,D 中的一个. my sister keeps a dog as a p_______.what about you? ____Tom's mother is very poor,____ he loves her so much.A.Although;but B.But;although C./;butD.Althoughl;so .要选哪个? I feel about you is not what it used to be是啥意思呀? I used to chew gum a lot.请问这里,a lot修饰什么?它的用法是什么? 初中军训一般练什么? 要高考了 可是这个In__film Cast Away,Tom Hanks plays__ man named Chuck Noland ——不太懂···第二空为什么不能选the呢?这是高考题 答案只有一个. In the film cast away,Tom Hanks plays __ man named Chuck Noland.这里是填a.还有一题,you are more likely to develop ___ ability to get on well with others.这里是填the.为什么这两题答案不一样呢,后面都是加了限制性定语呀 若点(-3/2,5),(a,-3)和(10,b)都在反比例函数y=k/x的图像上,求k,a,b 反比例函数y=x分之k的图像经过(-6,5)(a,-3)及(10,b),则k=( ),a=( ),b=( ) He named Tom.他叫Tom 对的么 How about ____(stay) at home this morning. 双曲线x²/a²-y²/b²=1(a>0,b>0)一条渐近线的倾斜角为π/3离心率为e,则(a²+e)/b的最小值为 点A(1,2)在反比例函数y=x分之k(k≠0)的图像上,则k=____.当Y=10时,x=____. 双曲线x²/a²-y²/b²=1的一条渐近线与直线3x-y+1=0平行,则此双曲线的离心率是 已知三角形ABC的面积为S,且向量AB*向量AC=1,则向量AB与AC的夹角的取值范围为?A.(π/6,π/4)B.(π/6,π/2)C.(π/3,π/2)D.(π/4,π/3) 已知Sn是非零数列an的前n项的和且Sn=2an-1,则S2012等于几n是下标 some of my students didn't speak english well ,so they had to use ________ to tell foreigner what they wanted to express when they were abroad.A.soundsB.languageC.gesturesD.voice选择哪个,并说明原因 Mary is fond of watching ______ TV while her sister is interested in listening to ______ radio.A、/, the B、the, / C、/, / D、the, the 若数列{an}的前n项和sn=3^n+a 当常数a满足什么条件式数列{an}是等比数列RT f(x)=x+x的3次方,若 x1+x2 一道数学题1.已知关于x.y的方程组x+2y=5m+3 3x-y=m+2 的解满足x+y=1,求m的值 Millie ,______ her mother ,______ to cook.用like 的 正确形式 英语.Millie would like to tell her mother about her school.(改为同义句)、The class meeting begins at three o'clock in the afternoon.(对划线部分提问:at three o'clock in the afternoon)We'll meet at the school gate tomorrow( 845542653 我老婆给我发的啥意思呢不是.我老婆给我说乱打的. 我女朋友叫我老婆, 1.We have classes from monday at Friday 2.when it rains,I make a taxi to the library.改错 tom was ( ) that he couldn't understand such a simple sentence.a,so a stupid boy b,a so stupid boy c,so stupid a boy选哪个,为什么. 23 No one can help ___(like) Tom,he is such a lovely boy.