
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:59:55
高二英语语法题1、 After the accident ,no one ___except a few people who were badly injured.survived was suvived 谁会错过那番花信风阅读答案 阅读《错过》(一)阅读选文《错过》,回答 8—11题.(共15分)有的所错过的,还有机会再次相遇,正因为对错过有了痛切的感受,当机会再次呈现时,你便会有高度的应变力与把握力,也许,那最 谁会错过那番花信风 好的话给以加 的1 本文主要用了什么表达方式 简洁的语言概括全文2 写学生们上课前 描写了许多细节 这样安排情节有什么好处3 学生们——投下斑驳的光彩这段反应了 our way home歌词 on our way The bike is black.对black提问 on our way The university claimed that an individual international student requires at least 3000 to ___ the cost of accomodation in one academic year.A spend B cost C pay D cover is disciplines of students in college necessaryhelp!正在准备英语论文哪位高人给点建议:两方面观点的都需要最好是英文的pros:requiring class attendance in collage is necessary for studentscons:atteding class in college is up 我相信一切都会变得更好 用英语怎么说 i believe everything will be bette 和 i believe everything getbetter soon 这两个句子对吗 他问我明白他的意思不...重点是那表..重点是为什么送表..不会是就我去死吧.错了...他说....是希望我像珍惜时间一样...珍惜他....时间会见证爱... 我不明白自己想要的究竟是什么?我想要的究竟是什么. 我今晚跟喜欢了很久得男生告白.由于他是我师兄,我见过他,而他没见过我.他跟我说,他没见过我,没了解过我,不能给我答复.然后我说怎样让你了解我.然后就说他考完试之后出去玩.我说我有点 我不明白她这些表现到底什么意思,你能告诉我吗? 为什么home前面有时可以加介词有时不可以?到底你怎么用? I think _ very necessary that one learns a foreign language well.A it B this C that D what Do not leave me alone ,will you? 失去了的书桌(冯骥才) 冯翼才的失去了的书桌阅读答案 失去了的书桌阅读答案1、作者详写了于书桌有关的哪件事? 2、 用手巾尖儿蘸些水使劲把这几个字抹下去. 的相应句(文中的)并指出这两句话的感情. 3、我把“人”字总误写成“ 失去了的书桌,一道题谢啦于是,我(眼泪汪汪)地在桌子上写了"李老师是狗"几个字.我写得那么痛快和解气,好像这几个字给我(报了什么"仇")似的. 品析括号里的词语的妙处 98号课桌阅读答案 home前面加不加介词 This bicycle is mine.保持愿意This bicycle ( )( )me It's necessary that an efficient worker____his work on time.A.accomplishes B.can accomplish C.accomplish D.will accompilsh 扌手旁加个过是什么字啊 He has written many books,two of them are widely read改错 He has written many books,two of them are widely read.错在哪 He has written many books,two of them are widely read.错在哪 为什么 He has written many books, tow of them are widely read拜托各位大神改错 (1)He has written many books,but__of(1)He has written many books,but__of them are good.A.few B,many C,any D,little(2)-Could you lend me a pen?-0f course.Here are two and you can take__of them.A.both B.all C.any D.either