
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:26:01
thing可不可以加'sTo watch a movie with family is very relaxing.(变同义句)( )relaxing( )( ) a moive with famliy我的想法(不知是否有错,有错请帮我纠正一下,)The relaxing thing is watch a movie with famliy.(t noise怎么读? 只要遇到thing就必须加s吗,如果不,举些加s和不加s的例子 all the thing 是指所有的事吗,THING不用加S吗 为什么say和thing后面要加S? Mak noise 中文怎么翻译 newpaper为什么有时加s有时不加到底是可数还是不可数? 下列说法你认为对的打勾错的说明一下哪错了1柱塞泵属于低压泵2活塞(或缸)的运动速度仅仅与活塞(或缸)的面积即流入液压的流量两个因素有关,而和压力大小无关 水果不是不可数吗?为什么还要加s?第五题为什么要选C? loud怎么读 dream out loud 怎么读这个短句是不是错误的 The fashion show is going to last for an hour. (对 for an hour 提问) After class,we ______for an hour.(read)请问用read的什么时态,完成时还是完成进行时还是别的? The boy's grandpa died two years ago.The boy's grandpa died two years ago.改同义句 see后面接动词什么形式 英语翻译不要韩文,最好有读音! Women are as great as men.这句话对不?如果不对的话应该怎么改? what a funny time to spend the Spring Festival给个正规的翻译.自己囬答 __________,He still found his way to his homeA.As was the night darkB.As the night was darkC.Dark as was the nightD.Dark as the night was 分析句子从句,成分thought still half drunk,he made his way home Though still half drunk ,He made hisway home. Exercise 4.Complete the sentence with the correct word in parentheses.1.Smoking has many ____________________ effects; for example,people who smoke often get cancer.(negative / positive / regular / violent)2.Newspeople often ____________________ bad Exercise 5. Complete the sentence with the correct word in parentheses.1. I usually feel ____________________ before an important exam. (friendly / fresh / nervous)2. I ____________________ my book from the rain by carrying it in a plastic bag. (ex Why I do not like long hair? To put a more positive spin on it是什么意思大家帮帮忙啊 急用 in the river there was a big c_____ Jenny is putting things on a tablecloth.改Jenny is putting things on a tablecloth.改为否定句,一般疑问句,肯定答语,否定答语 putting things 翻译:sentence by sentence,phrase by phrase.什么意思?还有语法XX by XX的语法 English ie very useful,so we should be ( ) in it and learn it well. put a better spin 是啥意思?查不到是啥意思. 将下列句子改为被动语态,Have you put all the things on the bed yet 2.People can buy fresh fru