
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:36:41
几道英语题3____you _____some more food? thank you. I____enoughA Will have B have had Cdo,have,have D do,have,hadYOU'D BETTER GO ON ______ENGLISH A study Bstudied Cstudying Dto studythose foreign friendsleft guangzhou______Asince last B a week 【快】英语:1.The tourists were lost in the thick forest,_________they dialled 110 for help at last.A.and B.but C.so D.or2."Why not _________ to have a walk with me?"Janet said to Frank.A.goes out B.go out C.going out D.to go out3.The _________ 1 other ,others ,the other ,the others,的区别2 believe,think的区别3 take a bike有没有这个词组4 quick的各种形式5 everything ,anything区别6 hardly even ,hardly区别7 some,any分别用在什么时候,什么时候some表示希望得 1(英语):Because it's raining hard,we did't go to library.(改为同义句) ( )( )the( )rain,we did't go to the library.(解答希望带点解释啊什么的)2(物理)一汽艇在空中最大举力是49000N,它最大可吊起4000N重的货 Oliver is the_____(excellent)student in our class.当你头痛时,这种药会有疗效的.When you have a headache,this medicine______ _______..迷______对.笑_______My mother is e______ busy on Sundaycan't wait to do sth_________Why do you learn E 初二2道英语题1 I with my students————going to the museum tomorrow A am B is C will be D are 2 问个语法内容 是Why not to do 还是 why not do请写出正确的答案和原因到底哪个才对就近原则不是只有用在Ther 1.he spent 【a whole morning 】 cleaning the room对括号内的部分提问____ ____ ____ he ____ cleaning the room?2.Nice's cousin has been to Beijing Zoo already.改为一般疑问句并做否定回答____ Alice's cousin ____ ____ Beijing Zoo __ My coat is green.Her coat is green ,too.The ___ ___my coat is ___ ___ ___ hers.那比步行快多了.……翻译…… The p_____ says there will be a concert of Jay Chou this Saturday evening.He will return your MP3 player on time.(同义句转换)He will ______ the MP3 player ______ ______ you on time.person不是代表多数吗?为什么say+了s?还是?如果perso 2道初二的英语题!1.I saw my mother ______ (cook)when I went into the kitchen.2.She was very pleased to ______ the arrival of the film star.A.hear about B.hear over C.hear from D.hear out 英语8上1单元)1)I don't know why,but I feel k___(不知道多少字母) of shy.2)月球上是真空,不能传声,在上面做爆炸实验能不能听见啊?(问的是固体传声,但空气不可以!) 1.游泳时,有的人会有这样的经验:当人站立在水中且身体将要侵没时,池底对脚的支持力几乎为零,假如一位重490N的同学正在体验这种感觉,此时他受到的浮力约为多少?排开水的体积约为多少? 一个人在高处望远镜注视远处地面上的铁匠,铁匠以每秒一次的节奏锻打铁块,在他看到铁匠最后一次打铁块的同时听到了打击声,随后他还听到了2次打击声.问:铁匠距离此人多远(设当时声 2道初二的物理题,会做的来!谢谢了1.你白天在公路上行走,很容易发现公路上行使的汽车是否向你开来.还是离你而去.但是在没有灯光的黑夜里,公里上离你很远处有辆汽车,你却不能判断出它是 1.甲乙两辆汽车都作匀速直线运动,甲车速度是5m/s,乙车速度是8m/s,甲车在乙车前方100m处,并且甲车比乙车早10s出发,求乙车开出多长时间追上甲车?(写已知求解答)2.射击运动员打活动靶,子弹 问几道初中英语的单项选择题目.1.-Do you know the writer of Ben Cao Gang Mu?-Li Shizhen.He is a doctor____all Chinese people take pride in.A.whom B.that 2.-I left my umbrella in my room.Could you wait ___I go back to get it?A.when B.while 初中英语练习题 1.Jeck ,a friend of __________ ,keeps healthey by taking an active part in sports.A.me B.my C.mine2.We __________ put off the meeting till next Monday because tomorrow is Saturday.A.have to B.needn`t C.can`t3.I wonder __________ 1.There is going to ___an English party this evening.a.be b.have c.has2.Is English very ___?Yes,I'm quite ___ in it.a.interesting,interested b.interested,interestingc.interesting,interesting d.interested,interested3.My hobby is ___ old coins.a.to col 初中英语一道单项选择it was _______ lovely weather______we decide to spend the day on the beach.A.such a ; that .B.such; that .C.such; as .D.so; that .该选啥啊 为什么? 初中英语提优试卷单项选择 英语单项选择(2) 要全面的 要速度和正确的 骗人的 滚远点第一章是 认识负数 二是 多边形的面积计算 三 小数 小学五年级下册人教版英语课时练答案,跪求! 第60页答案buyongla 广州市小学六年级英语活动手册(上)的答案我是一个英语白痴希望会的同学教我 小学五年级英语活动手册21页答案快! 广州版六年级上学期英语活动手册答案 p14到24答案 英语翻译求. 急用! 小学五年级下英语牛津上海版练习册第7页最后一题的答案,想参考一下,否则不知道怎么写.如果对的话,我一定设为满意回答! 牛津上海版英语练习册7a答案,急,