
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:15:13
She has supper at seven every evening.(改一般疑问句) -Who do you think should go there ,Ruth or Rose?------------------------Who do you think should go there ,Ruth or Rose?-----------------------A.Don't sak me like thatB.Any of themC.Sorry,it's hard to sayD.They all其他的为什么不对 "do,think,go,you,who,there,should‘连词成句 we will win the game,I belive 英语的第三人称单复数怎么区分? 英语论文提纲范文题目是美国英语与英国英语的主要不同之处我要的类似下面这位仁兄的提纲,不是范文! The Different customs between neighbors In China and America这是题目 主要写中美两个邻里关系之间的差异 风俗习惯之类的求提纲1 Introduce the general situation of relationship of neighborhood1.1 History of the neighbourhood1 英语论文提纲求一篇范文,最好格式完整的word 急求英语论文提纲要求1000字左右,题目论英语对找好工作的重要性在中国,应该怎么着手啊,大家给个具体的提纲吧~要求演讲10~ 英语论文大纲怎么写? you have many person love to you.与you have many person love you.有什么不同? I think I should get the job.(改为否定句) dance with music 与dance to music区别? 词组dream sweet dream Are you going to the movies tonight?今晚去看电影,为什么要用going?还有:有each of the sb + 单数的句式吗?sb each + 单数,为什么?上面写错了,sb each+复数 Dream Catche这个词组是什么意思 Are you going to get a taxi?要搭的出租车不止一辆,应该是泛指,为什么不说Are you going to get taxi? she wants to play ball with cathy and lisa,but she can't! 中国银行和中国工商银行,中国农业银行,中国建设银行,哪个银行的标志是轴对称且中心对称的图形? Tom does his homework at the moment.改错 描写活动的英语单词 most people live on one dollar a day英文翻译 She started playing table 有dream of这个短语吗?怎么用? Take two letters from SWEATER to make a liquid.What is it?智力问答 关于投影仪上的术语Menu是什么意思 twenty five minutes中间要不要加连字符 投影机上LAMP和TEMP 间断性闪红灯是什么问题? 谁能帮我翻译一下这个短语“The Relevance of The Value Relevance Literature ” 英语翻译或许有更好的表达方法, In recent years,great efforts have been made to increase the numbers of andkinds of people that pursue higher education.