
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:05:52
翻译:someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation .what do you say? Someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation.What do you say?根据这段话写出说的话用英文回答说的话. Someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation.what doyousay?Someone introduces you to a stranger in a formal situation.What doyousay?根据情景写出你应该说的话 金门,马祖岛面积有多大?附近的一江山岛有多大面积? 大嶝岛面积多大!距离金门有多远! 写一篇关于"三八"妇女节的作文. 开头是 今天是"三八"妇女节,我想起了辛勤操劳的妈妈,我决定给她一个惊 将这个句子改成反意疑问句(英语)let's visit a place in garden city. 要理由谢谢One of the problems in English teaching is devoingOne of the problems in English teaching is devoing too much time to________.A.a written workB.written worksC.the written workD.written work当中那个词是devoting peter中文学得好吗?english怎么说 英语名字Peter用德语r怎么说 英语翻译怎么跟老外聊天 英语翻译我就是需要那种聊天软件自动翻译的 英语翻译打开那个软件之后,老外输入的英语直接是以中文的格合发过来,而我打的中文又可以直接翻译成英语发送过去?具体的怎么用? peter后先天英语是如何学的 health certificate是什么意思 you kan imagine how strange it was! you can i____how strange it was you can image how strange it was!为什么是it was when can arrive health certificate and the bill of lading.这句话写的对么? MAURICE BLUM品牌和海鸥有什么关系 施工横道图中的“紧前工作”栏目中填写的“6ss+15d”是何意思?那位同仁可编制过此类的计划——横道图,可否上传参考及借鉴? we,re going to school什么bus The baseball players wished each other the beat of luck in the match before it began这句话怎么翻译? the beat of luck 怎么理解? 11In a suiprising result.the girls____the boys.and_____the match.Abeat.beatBwin.winCwin.beatDbeat.won 银镜门和BLUM玻璃门铰链用什么方式和胶粘在一起会更牢固 所谓当年炮轰金门岛 是不是就是现在 厦门对岸的金门岛门 厦门岛,金门岛,马祖岛,湄洲岛的位置和特点 Langlang played the piano so -------(精彩) that we all listened carefully 5. When she first went to work in the T-shirt,all the girls were so jealous that they screamed.(改写为同义句)When she first____ the T-shirt____ work,all the girls screamed____ _____. 金门岛和马祖岛属于哪个省? 什么是Blum整数 Robert Wm. Blum中文是什么