
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:30:55
我买了一袋纯正红糖,可冲了以后发现表面飘了一些类似海绵的东西,请问能喝吗?是什么物质? 醉漾轻舟,信流引到花深处.尘缘相误.无计花间住.烟水茫茫,千里斜阳暮.山无数.乱红如雨.不记来时路.谁写的 蜂蜜上面怎么会浮着一层白白的沫 尘缘旧梦花相似什么意思 用英语表达渴望和平,可不可以用动词crave,是应该用crave for peace,还是crave peace put some soil into the hole 请问soil和into之间填什么啊put some soil into the hole请问soil和into之间填什么啊 医生说谎对病人有什么好处? assume和presume到底都有什么区别? Being可以做英文名么? pick up little bad habit 大学作文:《to lie or not to lie》不少于120词 .急用英语作文 写一篇题目是Why i choose to be a nurse的英语作文,字数150左右.我要符合一个大专一年级的水准. 英语情景对话 to lie or not to lie don\'t say sorry,between me and u no 英语单选:____more difficulties than you thought.选项如下答案是D求解析A.It is likely B.It is likely to be C.There is likely D.There are likely to be More thought you use this thing,the more you save.More thought you use this thing,the more you save. say something is more difficult than you had thought.这里前面是一般现在时,后面怎么是过去完成时?say you'll always be ready to help someone.always的位置问题不解,怎么不是在be后面? Forget it don't tells it to me 人教版初中数学有哪些章样式为:代数部分 第一章:代数式 第二章有理数...几何部分:第一章线段、角...标明哪章到哪章是几年级.....急 a,day,well,good,have 怎么连词成句 人教版初中数学重考重点 风雨大作的解释 今朝携手同风雨,白首共扬万里帆! an actress act ( )people he is a success in writing novels.这里为什么用a,求【详解】希望能具体点,通俗点 He is i__(单词) in writing novels. 把下列各题对括号里的部分提问(The children) are swimming in the river. 括号部份提问...如下:1.luck doesn't go to the movies whit her friends (because she must look after sick monther).=__ __luck go to the movies with.2.they are going to (see beijing opera this weekend ).=__are they going to ___this week have conversations with意思是什么? 主修课程是什么意思 That is _____(he)fiend. matlab中a=[0:0.001:0.它是赋值一个矩阵吗,它是怎么选用里面的数值的