
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:17:15
该化合物有几个游离的氨基羧基,组成该化合物的氨基酸有几种,r基是? 女歌手 歌词 feel love me feel love me baby baby love you 三种氨基酸可以组成几种四肽化合物这种类型的问题应该怎样去做 sports,and,class,brother,like,your,does,playing连词成句 what does your brother like best为什么不是is Does your brother like ________(swim) Does your brother like music做否定回答 适当形式填空Does your brother like ______( draw)? What animal has got a long nose Which animal has a long tail and feed on nuts?A A kangarooB A dolphinC A polar bearD A squirrel There is nothing_____.A:to worryB:worriedC:to worry aboutD:worried about要有理由奥! There is nothing left.改为反意疑问句. There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so.有谁能告诉我这局莎士比亚的名言是什么意思?具体意思我搞不懂 There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so.英语高手翻译 touch me,touch me,touch me,touch me baby!那首叫什么歌这是一首慢歌!不是快歌!在disco里有时候会有这个歌词是个女的唱的 Whenever I met him, _____ was fairly often,I like his sweet and hopeful smile.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.when whenever i met her,_______was farily often ,she greeted me with a sweety smile.Awho Bwhich Cwhen Dthat Whenever I met her,which was fairly often,she greeted me with sweet smile.为什么要用which 不能用who?何以见得which是代替前面整个句子? 英语翻译rt 氨基酸口服液是什么 有哪些作用 氨基酸口服液有效果什么,1岁的小孩支气管炎能吃吗?小孩是早产儿,经常得支气管炎,想给补点东西,不知道氨基酸有没有效果, 体虚的女性能喝复元(复合氨基酸口服液)么?这个适合什么样的人喝、、一般的人能喝吗? 哪种氨基酸口服液好是钙铁锌的氨基酸口服液好,还是加了红枣,参苓,人参这些中药的氨基酸口服液好 氨基酸口服液起什么作用 must的将来时 But he can speak a _____ Chinese_____上首字母是L 关于must be,will be的正确用法像是will be,must be这种带be动词原形的后面加的是什么词性?我见过 you must be beautiful.这种用法,但是如果我在后面加动词 you must be to do your homework.这样是正确的吗?希望 英语翻译翻译成中文、谢谢.急用、 A g____ has a very long neck It's a deautiful animal 氨基酸是一种具有酸碱两性的化合物这句话对不对?不同的氨基酸具有不同的R基对不对?这两个那个是错的? may可以加will吗说明理由 变为否定句 1.he has speak some chinese2.They are from china.3.They come from china.