
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:01:06
动词不定式和动词的现在分词作主语,用法有什么区别? 漠河几月份见到极光几率大 宾语从句中主谓语序不变的句子有哪些?如WHAT IS WRONG Is this doll( A.yours B.your C.you 宾语从句中的从句是不是至少要有主谓成分?I can assure you of the reliability of the news.改成宾语从句第一种改法:I can assure you (that) the reliability of the news.这个从句没有主谓成分,所以不对,应该改为:I 宾语从句的主谓宾是怎么分的?I finds that it's hard to do sth.主谓宾是怎么分的? 只有who引导的宾语从句一般情况下就是原问句,才有主谓结构吗? 这里有大草原.扩句 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃.三个和尚为什么没有水吃请设计三套制度解决和尚吃水问题 英语外教口语,大家都是怎么选择的? 爱一个人是不是很简单? 纪念中国共产党成立90周年征文比赛紧密围绕建党90周年的主题,着重研究阐述党的90周年的伟大成就和历史经验,坚持理论联系实际,字数不超过8000字!求文章! friend(原形) outside(反义词) terrible(副词) terrible变(副词)_________ humid 变(反义词)_________ outside的反义词是什么 找一道英语定语从句题目开头好像是The old man 选项里有一个干扰项whose 正确答案为of whom 神气地怎么造句 yesterday my grangfather told me about his early days的译文yesterday my grangfather told me about his early days. When he left school at the age of 20,he found a job in a post office.He worked hard in the post office.Soon he had moremoney than his 求高中英语daily report范文, 催款单怎么写 —What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?—Too crazy,—What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?\x05\x05—Too crazy,but if she ___ come to China to hold concerts,I would buy tickets for her live show.\x05\x05A.would \x05 如何写催款单 —What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?为什么选c?请说明原因,—What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?\x05\x05—Too crazy,but if she ___ come to China to hold concerts,I would buy tickets for her live show.\x05\ 催款短信怎么写 live,floors,parents,does,Peter,his,three,below 连词成句(1) likes,cat,Alan’s,on,bed,sleeping,his(2) are,from,other,the,brothers,different,two,each(3) Jim’s,arrived,the,June,of,seventh,uncle,on(4) students,about,write,dream,the,homes,did,their What do you think causes the generations gap?50-100词左右 To make your vocabulary bigger,you must_____________.大家帮我看看,这道题怎么写 you should make use of your vocabulary to thought the usages of the words这句话哪里错了 turtle是什么意思 我们应该如何与外国人打交道在对外交流日益加强的今天,许多中学都聘请了外籍教师,这给我们提供了更多与外国人打交道的机会. turtle 的意思 同老外打交道?在中国遇到年龄比你稍大的,假如他(她)姓李,我们一般叫李哥(姐).但是一个老外,我们怎么称呼呢?假如她叫Kari.