
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:04:11
1.I am not go tu school every day.2.We playing basketball in the afternoon.3.You are sing very well.4.they not have dinner at home. 天降将大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤这句话什么意思 Who do you think you are?It’s none of your business. 英语句子改错 快```一个have you got important anything to tell me?不止一个错误the girl can sings best than others in our class.I want to buy many cloth from the market to make some cloths.this movie is much exciting than yout expect. None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. 她们把小猴子送回去了 用英语怎么说 故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身的意思是什么 A.B.C为锐角,且tan=tan的三次方,tanC=2tanB,求证:A.B.C成等差数列 设α,β,r 是锐角,且tan(α/2)=(tan(r/2))^3,tanβ=1/2tanr,求证,α,β,r,成等差数列 已知A1,A2,A3是抛物线y=½x²上的三点A1B1,A2B2,A3B3,分别垂直于X轴,垂足为B1,B2,B3,直线A2B2交线段A1A3于点C,(1)如图 (2)A1,A2,A3三点的横坐标依次为1,2,3,线段CA2的长(2)如图(2)若将抛物线Y 英语改错(下面一段话) well,generally I would like to search for informations or novels that i like from the Internet.From my personal consideration,viewing books or novels on the Internet is not only convenient but saving as well.As you c 什么东西放进去是活的拿出来是死的 脑筋急转弯 求英文改错下面一段话Nowadays,internet has penetrated every corner of people’s daily life.People are more likely to establish various relati-onships online rather than in their real life,one of them iscalled cyber love which has become a c Golden union可以翻译成中文的哪些词汇? 英语翻译那个有的意思不对的One for all,one for all)(It's all it's all for one)Let's start a union,calling every humanIt's one for all and all for oneLet's live in unison,calling every citizenIt's one for all and all for oneWe don't want w 容易死亡或变质的货物,多采用什么方式来运输 49题? 在食品的运输进程中易产生甚么问题 "慷慨赴死易, 求梁实秋的《雅舍小品》 发到:feigongling@163.com 48、49题 44、49题 求f(x)=x-m(1+x)的单调区间?最好可以简单说一下思路,感激不尽! f(x)=x/x+1的单调区间是多少, 请问如何求f(x)=x-m(1+x)的单调区间?最好可以简单说一下思路,感激不尽! 500块钱能做什么有意义的事? 请问4元钱能买什么礼品?100元钱分给25个人的,最好要有点意义或价值,简单点也可以,4元钱买什么好呀?大家请在2天内给我答复,.100元钱分给25个人的,最好要有点意义或价值,简单点也可以,我只 指出f(x)=1/x的单调增区间 求过程过程详细 Happiness Will Get You In The End 歌词 x+1分之x-1的单调增区间的求法 求解f(x)=2x+1的单调区间是什么?还有f(x)=-x分之1的单调增区间是什么?还有知道函数是增区间和减区间怎么 △ABC中,AD平分∠BAC,AB=AC+CD,则∠B、∠C度数的比值如图