
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:59:35
在(0,2π)内求使sina>cosa成立a的取值范围(作图) i cant live without 一首英文歌歌名大概是without you,歌词一开始是i cant live,i cant smile,i cant 巴拉巴拉without you是一首还比较舒缓的歌,女声,不是mariah carey的,歌词一开始是i cant live,i cant smile,i cant 巴拉巴拉without you,w what does blue stand for?怎么回答 i miss u i cant sleeo without u请问翻译中文是什么意识 Fill in the blank with proper pronoun的中文 这句话有没有语病?(英文)He is a talented of literary boy.我想表达的是:他是一个才华横溢的男孩. My friends asked me to stay on here and I could hardly r___. Can't you let_heip you?A.my friend and me B.my friend and I C.me and my friend D.I and my friend Stephen ____(lies或is lying) on the bed while Nick ____(plays或is playing或playing) computer games. WHEN THE PIE WAS OPENED怎么样 while前后都用过去式对不对 I played computer games while he read the books.这句对吗,为什么?怎么理 请问这两句话哪句有语病?一句是.我看见了鬼当时就坐在了地下一句是.我看见了鬼当时就坐在了地上这两句话那句是正确的?我主要的意思是问..是坐在地上对还是地下对. 这两句话 哪个有语病谁都可以感受啊哦过去几年这个城市变化了很大.记得一位伟人说过:目前就是儿女们心中的太阳. 补全对话 (A=Alice;B=Bob)A:Hey,Bob.B:Yes?A:Is my backpack on the sofa?B:No,it is not._______.A:Oh,OK.How about my baseball?Is it under the chair?B:________.It is under the table,too.A:Oh,_________?B:They are on the sofa.A:And where is my alarm clo 汤姆每天吃很多健康的食品 Tom has ()()()()every day 下面这两句话哪句话有语病?1、北京医院采用的这种治疗方法,具有疗程短,见效快,无副作用,从而达到标本兼治的目的.2、经过几个世纪发展建立起来的古典芭蕾舞体系能够最大限度地体现舞 Changing of the Guards 歌词 Buckingham Palace 前面加the吗 关于无穷级数求和的几种方法 the changing citizenship of celebrities Tom runs every day the changing citizenship of celebraties这句话的意思..和写出关于这句话的300字左右的英语作文 His parents won't let him marry any girl__family was poor.为什么选c啊?A of which B whom C of whose D whose 麻烦给出详解, 无穷级数的求和 Part of your point you knew before hand but part you discovered as you wrote. It is not part of GuangDong province any more. 看到一句话:I'm part of something more中文准确应该怎么解释?不要字面直译 另一层意思是什么? 英语中“so”的反义词到底是“as”还是“because”? so easy 的反义词是什么? 无穷级数求和问题 等差数列题目在等差{an}中an=3n 1,求{1\(an*an 1}前n项和Sn.