
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 21:34:26
My friend Jimmy is ____(thin)and ___(funny)than me 英语翻译Completely new to the Philips Selecon ‘innovations’ repertoire is the moulded yoke design which provides a stiffness factor twice that of steel as used in current industry unit yokes. Carol is very funny ,and more outgoing than i am.结尾为什么用i am Carol is very ___,and more outgoing than I am .A.more interested B .funny 选A 还是B 用社会资本举办的非营利性企业是公有制经济还是非公有制经济 Carol is very funny ,and more outgoing than i am.结尾为什么用i am不用me Y型顺水三通与Y型三通的区别?最好具体一点 y型三通夹角是多少度? 减轻压力,刺激,放松用英语怎么说不安全的用英语怎么说?可不可以找一篇关于蹦极的英语作文 selling可数吗如果用selling替代sales,用加s,变成sellings吗? 爱的奉献歌曲 爱的奉献周涛讲的故事的稿 爱的奉献作文 注意具体事例 most of the bridges over the river are made of ___.A.stone B.the stone C.a stone D.the stones我觉得是D.可是答案是A.为什么? 爱的奉献 这首歌 表达了什么 古代名医张仲景为什么发明了饺子?食物之类的东西应该是厨师发明的才对啊.医生怎么会这个? the railway puts tibet closer是什么意思 请问一般哪里有小径的塑料三通卖,铁的三通也行.在包头,具体是连接三个小径的管子 英语翻译和他谈话真的很困难.翻译成英语:It's really ___ ___ talk with him.我父亲工作非常努力.翻译成英语:My father___ ___ ___. 将“减轻压力”翻译成英语 三通质量有标准么 中文厉害的人..帮我翻译城中文一下 Can you take a picture of me walking? You can email me at 有大、小两个盒子,其中大盒内装有1001枚白棋子和1000枚同样大小的黑棋子,小盒内装有足够多的黑棋子.阿花每次从大盒内随意摸出两枚棋子,若摸出的两枚棋子同色,则从小盒内取一枚黑棋子放 英语翻译请问:Manage and track treatment blind breaks,其中treatment blind breaks是什么意思,最好说下全句的意思,上下文暂未能提供 英语翻译如题 i'm not a great believer in taking regular f______ exercise It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves? Ibsen looked to ordinary social relationship and situations for the subject-matter of his plays'look to' this phrase How to understand 有句歌词是这样唱得,高潮部分就是i'm a believer believer believer,i'm a believer believer,挺摇滚的一首歌,节奏也挺快,前面好像就四句词儿,然后高潮一直就重复上面几句!求演唱者和歌名········急! shit Can you my friend翻译成中文是什么 The washing maching which we bought last week works by ()用括号里的词的正确形式填空:The washing maching which we bought last week works by ( )(oneself) 为什么填itselves?