
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:39:14
The girl is linda Miller.Her family name is linda. ______ ________ ____ A B C 哪错了 Do you want to go to a movie?为什么要用to go to ? Do you want to go to a movie? do you want to go to a movie?的单元重点是什么? 跪求上海版牛津英语高一下学期的词汇表!如题书不见了... What's the meaning of "It is getting there",pls advise,thx "I put in a lot of effort buttering people up for the past few months" What is the meaning of it?"I put in a lot of effort buttering people up for the past few months, and I thought it would pay off on Christmas" This short statement is quoted by the 日日夜夜的英语怎么说到底是night and day还是day and night啊哦,说啥的都有,谁是权威啊? 有一电流表,其内阻Rg为100欧姆,满偏电流Ig为3mA若要把它改装成量程为6V的电压表,应串联多少欧姆电阻?(要 mine big 中i发音相同吗 ? CITY和BIG的I发音相同吗? 电流表内阻Rg=120欧姆,满偏电流Ig=3毫安,要把它改成量程为65伏特电压表应串联多大电阻? window和kite中的i读音一样吗 like中i和kite中i读音相同吗 Her name is Linda .(改为一般疑问句) There is a____.Her name is Linda. kite、nice、kid三个单词中发音不同的是( )在1分钟之内回答出来 then的e和get的e发音相同吗? lion kite bive kid中 哪个i字母读音跟别的单词读音不一样? present,tent,eleven,elephant哪一个的e发音和另外三个不同? kid,kite.读英是否一致 判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是√否×eat bread() noon wood() great glue() pear hear() who what() cry light() tiger nice () wait rain () chair ship () fly why () sleep small() park chary()near bear() may play() class basketball() Her name is Linda.的同义句句式是:_______Linda. My name is Linda 怎么改为同义句 her name is SuYang 改为同义句 I want some rice and meat for supper today(改为否定句) i often help my mother clean the house.为什么clean用原型? You ( )help your mother to clean the house. 一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“√”表示,不相同的用“×”表示.( )1.day waiter ( )2.party quarter ( )3.teacher bread( )4.doctor monkey ( )5.computer use ( )6.plate black一楼,由于你答错了以 一、判断下列每组单词各有几种读音A、一种 B、两种 C、三种 D、四种( )1、A、j_o_d B、n_o_ C、n_o_t D、_o_ffice( )2、A、_th_ere B、_th_ C、_th_ese D、_th_en 这首歌是英文的,开始有空灵的钢琴伴奏.副歌部分有轻轻的节奏,歌词为it's a long long way to go,***,***;it's a long long way to go,***,***.求歌曲名称和演唱者, It s A Long Way To The Top这歌中文名叫什么?小弟才疏学浅强人帮翻译下...