
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:20:59
英语翻译我不想再说什么只能默默流泪等待着在飞机场告别的那一天 英语翻译我最喜欢的男明星是XXX,他非常可爱,非常认真。一直是我学习的榜样 英语翻译l deeply appreciate what you're done for me. 六年级语文下册人教版《鲁滨孙漂流记》根据这篇课文提出有价值的问题. ①I'm sorry to hear that.和I need to see a dentist.这两个句型为什么要加上to?②I'm hoping the weater is nice in the mountains.为什么hope要加ing?③get home和go home有什么区别?④The weather is getting sunny.为什么get要加i 5道简单的英语题目1.My father ____the telephone to call the police. A.hurry B.hurry to C.hurried D.hurried to2.I ___two hours to decide whether I should get the prize or not. A.gave B.was given C.was giving D.had given3.I don't kn 英语翻译I hear that Mitchell turned down that job.Well,the hours were convenient,but she wouldn't be able to make ends meet.(找同意句)(中级口译听力教程)A.Mitchell refused the position because of the low pay.B.the job would hav 简单英语五题, 帮忙翻译成一个较地道儿的英语句子,感激涕零,呵呵.题目如下:“你知道我等你好久了吗?好久了呀.”不要网络在线翻译的呀,O(∩_∩)O~ 若直线L过圆M:x²+y²+6x-2y=0的圆心M,交椭圆E:x²/25+y²/9=1于A,B两点,且A,B关于点M对称,求直线L的方程, 巩固基础跟提高的/基础一般 立体几何等等 有什么好的练习 英语听力不好 怎么提高 (理科) My father ( ) a teacher ( )( )( )( )20 意思是:我父亲20岁开始当老师 按照空格 it's p____ for him to finish the work in a day because he is clever enough 机械英语如何入门 英语翻译车床的数控进给系统设计 翻译成英语怎么翻? 请问:机械震动基础 用英文怎么说? 英语翻译我越不见她,就越想念她列车员来查票了 The conductor came to ______ ______ ______ 英语翻译I have one brother.He is a medical doctor and has two children.I have no children.I teach a course in legal research and writing,and another in public speaking.Sure,I’d be very happy to help you with your English and play my guitar for jack didn't attend the performance yesterday..应该翻译为杰克昨天没去看节目,还是没有去参加节目 Jack is a good cooker who works in a restaurant.翻译汉语 I met Tom on the playground yesterday. 英语翻译old woman cross the road yesterday.为什么用cross,而不用across? 英语翻译I am an American lawyer now living in Shanghai and working as a Professor at Fudan University.That is a photo from my home.I like Chinese culture very much,but my Chinese language skills are very poor.You seem to be a very interesting and 才几题,其实很简单的,可以拍照上传,第二第三也有感谢 才几题,其实很简单的,可以拍照上传,第二第三也有感谢,大部分都是选择题 这题英文菜单题怎么做?A Healthy Meal(1)Appetizer:(2)Main Dish:(3)Dessert:(4)Drinks: Yesterday we had awonderful time in the park英语翻译 He considers he is clever enough.He ____ ____ clever enough. 初一科学,才几题,其实很简单的,填空可以拍照上传,第一采纳,第二第三也有感谢,大部分都是选择题 才几题,其实很简单的,填空可以拍照上传,第二第三也有感谢,大部分都是选择题,可以拍照上传 本人女,文科就历史好一些,理科物理不合格,数学不稳定……特讨厌政治,作文极差,分科应选哪科?其实我有点不甘心读文科…… 数学英语较好,化学政治差,物理历史较差,地理一般,选文科还理科?高一新生生物也很差