
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:40:48
选择恰当的词填入句子.查看 察看地下党开会时,她就到外边去( )动静.边防警察仔细( )过往货物. 请问真正的玫瑰花有没有香味? 玫瑰花有香味吗? 哈勃在上世纪中叶发现的星系光谱线的红移速度v与星系离我们的距离r之间存在着的关系是_____ .A.r=H/v; B.r=v/H; C.r=Hv; D.r=10v 色即是空,空即是色是怎么解释? 这是拟人句还是比喻?喜欢读书,因为书是我们永恒的朋友. 谁有优美的比喻、拟人句 The party is for Jane.(对Jane提问) _____ _____ is the party? Does your anut like the music party?回答 Would you tell me if she_________(come)to the party tonight.加s还是加will 三个拟人句 大树()花 ()填表示颜色的词 三个比喻句和拟人句比喻句当中的其中一句是排比句式,拟人句当中的其中一句也是排比句式. I often hear him sing the same song被动语态He ____ often ____ ____ sing the same song. 三年级一班有54人上美术课,其中2人没带笔,带油画棒的有28人,带水彩笔的有25人,两种笔都带到有多少人 红黄蓝绿性格 我红14蓝8黄1绿7 说明什么?粘贴的我也会 替别人写文章或书信叫甚么笔? 鲁迅当时用什么笔来写文章 用什么笔可以在玻璃上写字?白色的,容易擦洗. 写三句拟人句一定要好!快快快快快快快!急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!只要 帮忙设计3句拟人句 I hear her sing a song in the morning.如何变成被动语态? He can come to my party this evening.改为否定句 作文:一件事改变了我的开头与结尾 She was four years old when she began to lean the accordion 对话线部分提问划线的是four years old lunch,day,new,trees,river,flower,It's,air,water,to,from,for Amy is my ( ) classmate.She's(接上文) often has( ) at school.She's ( )USA.Her favourite ( )is Sunday.Because sometimes Amy and I can go ( ) the nature park on Sunday.There are m she found her wallet gone怎么理解这句话,为什么不能说she found her wallet was gone呢 Betty felt sad because she_______(lose)her wallet he is going to the plant shop.改为一般疑问句怎么改? I found that I fell in love with her,but she said,no feeling!What should I do? i'm going to plant trees 改为一般疑问句 用四字成语形容巴黎用四个字的成语形容巴黎