
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:38:30
英语翻译调查表内容如下:1.Is your company certified to (submit copy of certification) ASME 贵司是否通过认证,递交证书复印件 ISO 9001 QS 9000 TS 16949 IBR API PED ATEX 10CFR 50B Other:_______________ 2.Is there written qualit 英语翻译1.management systemsA.General SafetyB.General EnvironmentalC.General SustainabilityD.General SecurityE.General Quality2.MANUFACTURING SYSTENSA.Supplier ManagementB.Material Procurement,Receipt,&InspectionC.Customer Order ManagementD.Manuf 消元问题是什么意思 英语翻译我有个客户给我个供应商调查表要我填,可我都不会英文啊,有些都不明白说的是什么,麻烦帮忙翻译所有的英文意思,Please furnish your feedback as on the attached 【 Supplier Information Gathering Repo 疲劳顿消是什么意思 英语翻译Alstom Grid LVCC supplier general information\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09Column filled by Supplier\x091)\x09Overhead margin:\x09\x09\x09For material ordered via ALSTOM frame agreement:Phoenix,Rockwell,EATON…\x09\x09%\x09\x09\x092)\x 消 有哪些意思 消级是什么意思? 小明种了一片麦子,经农科技人员测定该片土壤须补充氮元素二十八kg.你帮小明算至少需要购买硝酸铵多少kg 美度贝伦赛丽M8600.4.10.1是不是天文台认证?美度贝伦赛丽M8600.4.10.1每天误差多少秒算是正常? 美度贝伦赛丽M8600.4.26.1有天文台认证吗? 近年来,我市积极探索建设社会主义新农村的服务体系,许多农户获得“测土配方施肥”服务,有效解决了施肥比例不合理问题,提高了产量,减少了环境污染.小明家种了一片麦子,经农科人员测定 怎么做,好心人快回答吧! 英语翻译 To find someone to grow old! Find someone to marry so difficult? 我还想问一下,高数使用微积分的课本就行吗? 我要全的~不要只有第一章的哇! 酶工程都包括些什么 哪个容易? A :(问句) B:l go to school at 8:00 a.m I go to school at 7:10的问句怎么写 娶二房是什么意思 用英语的回答写问句 I ran to the schoolkuaiI puton my coat I climb up the ladde I called the fire department I went to the park 再回答补充的 I go to school at 7:45 in the morning.的问句急 美度贝伦赛丽3天文台证书问题在商场专柜买了块贝伦赛丽3天文台认证的,包装内没发现天文台证书副卡,请问正常吗? 首字母填空:Would you please p( ) me the salt? FeCl3(aq)混FeCl2(aq)若用氯气除杂会不会和水反应出盐酸和次氯酸啊,这不算引杂吗 the train leaves at 6pm.So I have to be at the station ( )5.40pm at the lastest.Aby B after C until Daround题目应该是at the latest The train leaves at 6:00 p.m.So I have to be at the ......The train leaves at 6:00 p.m.So I have to be at the station_____5:40 P.m.at the latest.A:until B:after C:by D:around为什么? 追加积分)my train ---- at 9 o'clock.I have to say goodbye to you .应该用leaves 还是 is to leaveThe teacher divided the cake----the children who were divided -----four groups.A between ; to B among ;into C between ;by Damong ;by麻烦说清 The train leaves at 9:30a.m.You have to__the station before 9:10a.m. A.think of B.come on C.arriveC.arrive at D.talk to