
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:08:25
Do you think it necessary for me to give him a letter 这句话为什么不用is不应该是it is necessary .还是有什么额外的规则? 中国现存最古老的石拱桥是什么桥? 有没有I think it is necessary to.如果有他和I think it necessary有什么区别? 中国现存最早,并且保存良好是隋代的什么桥? do you think it is necessary to pass CET4?states your reasons Do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line 我总是觉得it 要变成it is 中国哪些桥最古老? I think it is not going to snow tomorrow.改错 I think it is not going to snow tomorrow .(改错) l think it is not going to snow tomorrow.(改错) 奥运会的由来及历史200字左右 I think it' going to snow later等于什么 请问有奥运会的由来(全英版)的吗?十万火急啊,谢啦!~~ I think it is going to rain.(改为否定句) I------------ --------------it is going to rain. "oughta" That oughta do it.“oughta”是什么形式啊?Rachel:Where's Chandler?Phoebe:Oh,he needed some time to grieve (Chandler runs by the window outside,joyous.)Chandler:I'm free!I'm free!Phoebe:That oughta do it.“That oughta do it.“oughta”是什 中国所有的桥名称 平板桥有哪些 中国石拱桥中写了几座桥叫甚么名字哪几种说明方法及例子 我国有那些著名的桥梁,那些桥梁的名称的由来 关一首英文歌的读法JJ的 Now,that she's gone中's是has的缩写 为什么读is 英语翻译用英语怎么翻译? Somebody That I Used to Know英文翻译谁能把这首歌的歌词用中文注音出来啊?比如第一句Now and then I think of when we were together 闹窝安的斯克温喂汪忑干日儿、哈哈,我这个问题要火吗?、我应该 that’s how you know歌词的中文翻译That's How You Know Giselle: How does she know you love her? How does she know she's yours? Man: How does she know that you love her? Giselle: How do you show her you love her? Both: How does she know that yo 电池鼓胀什么原因 造成手机锂电池鼓胀的原因是什么? 天能电瓶鼓胀的问题我的电动三轮车60v20A的的天能电池,5块12v的.现在7个月,但是这周我发现充电器一直红灯充电,但是拔下插头再接电就马上绿灯了.今天仔细观察电池的外观,宽方向的两个大 圣诞节的历史的由来? 谢谢! 为什么电池使用长了会鼓胀 圣诞节的又怎么样的历史来源? 电车电池鼓胀了.两个月前我的电池还好好的.早段时间发现充电时,电池发热得很厉害.打开一看才发现有两个电池已经胀了许多;还有两个就还未发现问题.这是什么回事呢? 分析句子成分 He said that that that that that boy used is wrong.