
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:18:12
翻译一句商务英语I am sorry to report that even if we did the job for you at cost, it would come out well above the price you are willing to pay. 我很遗憾的告诉你即使我们接受了你的报价.然后我就不知道怎么翻译了... 有人骂我290是什么意思? 他们是骂些什么啊?是骂些什么? 激情是什么意思! 如何把自己的知识变成财富? 如何将知识变为财富?都说知识改变命运,但掌握了很多知识之后,除了更忙之外,都没有什么办法提高物质财富.如何改变这种状况? banding是什么意思? 我想要一份英文简历表格 赶脚 呵呵 一词总是骂人的意思.是不是啊 心静中找激情是什么意思 光荣,光彩和风光,激情是什么意思?谢谢!说详细点. 乔纳森·斯威夫特的名言 一道英语单选,求正确的解释,为什么选aSo brave was she faced thedifficulty bravely she had__A__EnglishA studyingB studied 知识是财富吗? 英语单选5 Most students really do have topics ( ) they can speak.a in whichb with whichc to whichd on which 知识就是财富吗 1.我国发行的第五套人民币中,1元、5角和一角硬币的材料分别是钢芯镀镍合金(1元)、钢芯镀铜(5角)和铝合金(1角).①你从1元、5角和一角硬币的材质不同能得出什么结论___________________. 下列各组溶液,不用其他试剂就可以把他们区分开来的是()A.HCL,KOH,K2SO4,K2C03 B.NANO3,K2CO3,NH4CL,KOHC.BACL2,CACL2,NA2SO4,KNO3 D.KOH,K2CO3,MGSO4,KHS04在10ML的试管中充满了等体积的NO和NO2的混合气体,将试管倒 一道很简单的英语单选 __________the teathers ,i won‘t the frist prize a.thaks for b.thaks to c.thanks d.because我选的是B 请问对么 为什么呢? The world is changing every day.Travelling in Shanghai in 10 years' time will的意思 一道英语单选问题17.They( )on the program for almost one week before I joined them,and now we( ) on it as no good result have come out so far.A.had been working; are still workingB.had worked; were still workingC.have been working; hav 一道单选英语问题many pwople came to the meeting,() of whom left early.1the numbers 2 a number 怎么读啊,食后面那个字 2010 EXPO will be held in Shanghai.Better _________ ,Better life! I’m c------- that the expo in Shanghai in 2010 will be a great success(c是问题单词的开头字母,请写出,这个以c开头的单词 How many countries will be participated in the Shanghai Expo in 2010?译:有多少人参加了2010年上海世界博览会?这个我觉得很奇怪.如果没有问题,participated in的用法;如果有问题,分别从中文、英文角度分析. 面后面的那个字怎么读? 英语单选3题1.Mr.Liu,you () on the phoneA are wanted B were wanted Care being wanted D will be wanted2.This maths problem ()out by little JimAcan be easily work B can easily be worked Ccan is easily worked Dcan easily worked3.In the past ten year 英语题21-30 英语第30题 30题、英语,谢谢 24.(10分)已知过氧碳酸钠(Na2CO4)和盐酸反应的化学方程式为:2Na2CO4+4HCl=4NaCl+2CO2↑+O2↑+2H2O商品过氧碳酸钠中往往含有少量的碳酸钠.为测定其纯度,现称取0.90g样品进行实验.供选