
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:04:56
I forget what I was teught ,I only remember what I have learned帮我翻译啊 行路难其一李白的主旨是什么 EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME . I WILL REMEMBER FOREVER .帮我翻译成汉语~~谢谢 what do you think is the most important in choosing your wife 初三二次函数1.当k= 时,抛物线y=2x2+3kx+2k的顶点位置最高.2.抛物线y=x2+2x+2记作C,直线y=2x+1记作L,平行移动C,使它与x轴两交点间的距离为4,且与L只有一个交点,平移方法为 .3.抛物线y=x2+4x+1沿对称轴 我已经初三了但我的二次函数那一块学的不好谁可以帮帮忙?最好有一套教学视频 二次函数视频教学 You need to exercise more.=You need __ __. 求翻译You'll sooner or later get what's yours and lose what's not.这句话的意思? Straight Ahead 歌词 《朝花夕拾》中 五猖会 的主要人物 主要内容 读后 you can finish the article before Friday.before属于什么词性?介词还是副词,.请附带说明为什么是 这个词性 go straight along和go straight ahead 的区别 Imagine the next episode of "Young Lives".Finish the newspaper article.Last night on"Young Lives"请关于此话题写篇作文, 朝花夕拾里的五猖会的主要内容 we know not what is good until we have lost We know not what is good until we know have lost it!中文意思是什么? We know not what is good until we have lost 我看不懂. We will going to have a picnic tomorrow.错在哪里? ( )they going to have a picnic tomorrow?括号里该填什么 go straight on 和go straight down 的区别 I am going to have a test____algebra tomorrow.A for B on C at D to选择什么 用need提问时,否定回答可以用needn"t,可以用don"t have 用need提问时,否定回答可以用needn"t,可以用don"t have don't need You don't need to know 可不可以转化成 You needn't know 若可以,怎么会一个 do not need 一个need not?= =是的吾杯具了.没看仔细 7年级数学书上册p103, --- Can I join you?--- Sure,we are talking about _______.( )8.--- Can I join you?--- Sure,we are talking about _______.(2011武汉)A.when shall we go to the movie B.how can we go there C.who should we go with D.why we like the movie 为什么选D而 Shall we____the meeting?Sure.Let's____ them.A.join in,join inB.join,joinC.join,join in D.join,join we are talking about if we can let Wei Hua()the School Reading Club.A.join B.join inC.take part inD.take part 高一 化学 元素的活泼性比较 请详细解答,谢谢! (28 11:8:16)下列说法错误的是 ()A氧原子的半径比氢原子小B氯原子的最外层电子数比硫原子多C金属钠投入氯化镁溶液中,未见金属镁析出,说 描写风,雨的诗是诗,不是诗句 请找一篇描写云的文章 once upon a time,a very old man tried(to move)the mountains,and his dream(came)true at last.请解释括号里为什么这么填?