
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:01:25
Tina ()her guitar every day. A.practice B.playinTina ()her guitar every day.A.practice B.playing C.practices D.play 1、_ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday?2、she_(not visit) her aunt last weekend.请问可以这样填吗?一般过去式1、was practiced2、wasn't visited 求一首歌,歌词有 one two three four ,you and me . 是一个外国女生唱的,节奏很快.你们说的都不是啊···是这个视频的背景音乐.http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI4ODQ3MjMy.html I practice the guitar every day.(用have to改写句子) I ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ every day. ()two exams to worry about,I have To work really hard this weekend.Because;with;as for为什么要填with求讲解 With two exams to worry about ,I have to work really __this weekend.A hard B harder C hardest这一题有没有比较地意思在里面,我比上周或以前努力 ____ two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 英语翻译1夺取;接管2使某人发疯3处于良好的状态4用...来喂.5关心,挂念6实施,执行,进行7在船上;上船8对..宣战9纪念10对..有影响11使用中12作为回报.13不复存在;不再1对...感到好奇2启航3也, 高中的3500个单词及重要的短语 造句一个短语或单词造一个疑问句、一个肯定句,一个否定句 sports meetingbe liketwo coups of...a pieceeat wellbuy sb sthbuy sth for sbat a...priceclothes store 用下面的单词来造句(要用一般现在时造句)Maths Interesting Go to school Talk with Be good at 立刻马上高中常用的短语或单词有哪些 大家帮忙找首歌~英文歌 里面有句歌词是 one and one is two.一个女的唱的,万分感谢!能告知歌曲名字吗?谢谢了~不是披头士唱的,Sarah Connor唱的,但是我不知道名字,请求歌名~谢谢 here is a post card____ A.from she to he B.from hers to him C.to him from her Dfrom her to him请写出解题思维why???????? 一首英文歌,歌词有one two three four 还有,to be ...you and me 近期广播电台放的,女的唱的,慢歌我跟你们讲不是布兰妮的(3),我说 慢歌 one and two and three on the memory 一首歌英文歌的歌词里的一句 求歌名如题 J:_______didn`t you come to school,Tom?T:Because I _____ ill.But I _______a cold.J:I`m _______to hear that.Are you all_______ now?T:Yes,________you._________you have an English exam【考试】 last week?J:Yes,we______.T:_________the paper di 关于two and a half man查理是哪个演的 还有ALLEN Two And A Half Men中文翻译 哪里有two and a half men 第八季啊找到了好汉两个半第八季 高清晰版本 已经验证地址真实有效的 求 TWO AND A HALF MAN 第6季有中文字幕的视频...要完整的.. 请问你可发好汉两个半 two and a half man 第一季 英文字幕给我. to work with a nice = =原句是he is a nice man to work with!nice man作不定式work with不及物动词的补语的话.就是to work with a nice man怎么翻译 Everybody likes to work with ______ is reliable and easy to get on with.A whom B who C whomever D whoever 为什么不选B _____tow exams to take,I have to work really hard this weekend.A with.B as.C for 【】two exam to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith Besides CAs forDBecause of.各个选项都解释下 Emily and Wendy are twin sisters改成一般疑问句. Emily and Wendy are twin sisters.I am good at English.My school is very clean.把以上英文改写为一般疑问句、肯定回答、否定回答 歌曲We can work it out歌词整个意思是全部意思, twin sisters与twin sister的区别 one and two __threeA isB are one two three and hihihi