
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 21:14:44
it is the fitst spaceship that wasn't made by the government. it is the first spaceship that wasn't made by the government把此句改为简单句 把it is the first spaceship that wasn't made by the government改成简单句 他们是李红的老师.用英语怎么说. 请问数学符号无穷大是∝,还是∞我是听人说现在的高中教材是写∝,我才提问的。请各位在查书后慎重回答 通电导线和磁场强度的关系?谁能合理的帮我解答下, 2009年 高教杯数学建模成绩 什么时候公布?北京市的 电流不变,两根直导线靠一起,产生的磁场大于一根直导线吗? 两根任意夹角放置的通电直导线在空间一点产生的磁场强度,用大学电磁知识 在电子仪器中,为了减小与电源相连的两条导线的磁场,通常总把他们扭在一起,为什么 2013 全国高教社杯数学建模大赛A题解析车道被占用对城市道路通行能力的影响 无穷大 是数学名吗? 数学符号无穷大怎么念我是说那个8横过来的符号怎么念啊?? 英语翻译everything they accomplished,like building this town ,they did with just stone,plus wood bricks,that sort of things.but you got to remember that it wasn't just any stone they had,they had obsidian. 数学分析夹逼定理左边右边等于无穷大可以吗 They finally reached___they had long dreamed of .A where B which C what D that 冬天,装蜂蜜的瓶子里面常析出一些白色的葡萄糖晶体,这一现象表明了 夏天装蜂蜜的瓶子里清纯的蜂蜜,到了冬天经常出一些白色的晶体,这一现象表明:这种晶体的溶解性与( )有关 近朱者赤 近墨者黑 这里的朱是指什么?红色么?赤又是指什么, (1-x的三次方)开根号三次方-ax-b当x趋近于无穷大时,此式的极限是0.求a,b的值 美的本质的6派观点分别是什么?无法理解所给出的答案,把自己找到的发上啦一、自然唯物论:美就在物质对象的自然属性或规律。二、客观唯心论:美在于对象体现某种客观的精神理式。 求美的本质 美的本质 it was not until eleven o'clock ____he went to bed这个填什么呢?when还是that 是强调句吗?不是的话,为什么?可是答案是when,为什么不是强调句,同学给我分析的是:不是强调句,因为把it was that 去掉就不 It was not until 12 o'clock that I-------to sleepa had gone b was going c went d would go 苯扎氯铵溶液 what do you fuck 英语翻译In this section,we discuss the most recently developed space of movement and one that has generated particularly active speculation in reference to the future of the state system:cyberspace.To explore how the underlying tension between ca 英语翻译Can you please advise if there are problems with purchasing tickets for the upcoming live event?I know you are receiving free tickets but can you please ask your friends and family?Also we ask that you go along with the steps to order tic 身边的爱的事例 已知两点A(-5,y1),B(3,y2)均在抛物线y=ax平方+x+c上,点C(x0,y0)是该抛物线的顶点已知两点A(-5,y1),B(3,y2)均在抛物线y=ax平方+x+c上,点C(x0,yo)是该抛物线的顶点,若y1大于y2大于等于y0,则x的取值范围是 别人骂你what are you fucking该怎么回最近我们同学老对我说what are you fucking!我该怎么回他一句,或者说我该怎么反驳?