
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:22:38
There was an ostrich in the zoo.改成一般疑问句作出肯定否定答案 孔子有缺点吗? 孔子的思想有什么弊端?除了三纲五德以外? 孔子有什么缺点吗?注:1、看不起女性 2、受封建礼教束缚 3、思想古老,不开放 4、把社会两极分化:北为君子,南为小人 5、不能自力更生(听过“四肢不勤,五谷不分”吗?)这不对.望大家不要 I love you when you say wate! When i say i love you .i also hope you say i love you too 是什么意思 That he said something in the meeting surprised all of us 这个句子开头为什么要加That不可以把that去掉吗? the teacher was surprised to learn the fact that two students were missing.求句子分析 The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.求知识点,句式结构,语法,不要翻译! Could you please show him the photo?改为同义句Could you please show him the photo? 济南被称为什么城 什么地方美誉称泉城 济南的简称是什么?济南有没有简称啊?是不是济?人家南京简称是宁,我们有没有简称啊 讲文明讲礼仪演讲稿800字,只有30分钟时间了,快, the girl told him that it was her ( )first jobA./ B.an C.the D.a it was he who told you the news 强调句 这里为什么是有 he 不有him 呢 说说强调句 There is a garden outside the fiat.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) When I was lonly I made sure I love you They are surprised __ the news.(介词) They were surprised at the news同义句 They were surprised ()()the news ls there a zoo near the supermarket?做否定回答 你见过最美的风景在哪里? 求一篇以讲卫生为主题的演讲稿 So many people take cars or buses for t______.S_______ a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.这两个首字母填空不会,谁第一个回答就给谁最佳答案吧,不许打酱油的. _____sound of cars,buses and machines makes peopleangry easily and unable to sleep well.A.A.B.An.C.The D.不填 more than等于什么? 千年之后的你会在哪里 身边有怎样风景 千年之后的你会在那里,身边有怎样风景,我们的故事并不算美丽,却如此难以忘记是哪首歌的歌词? Ann watches cartoons on TV every morning.(watches cartoons on TV )对括号处提问. Ann watches cartoons on TV every morning.对watches cartoons on TV提问. ( )( )Ann( )every morning?Her father works in a school.对in a school提问. ( )( )her father ( )? 连词成句 Ann,younger,her,sister,twin,is then, alice's is ann sister连词成句