
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:49:22
翻译----I not think much of you If only you knew how much I think of you and I want talk about with you —Did you know when____?—Sorry,I have no idea.A.he will come B.will he come C.is he coming D.he was coming老师说答案是D,但我认为是A, -Where do you think ( ) he ( )the computer?-Sorry.I have no idea.A.has;bought B./;boughtC.did;buy D./;buys -Tommy,do you know if Frank_to the zoo this Sunday if it _.-Sorry,I have no idea.A.will go;is fine B.goes;is fine C.will go;is going to be fine D.goes;will be fine I want some yogurt.(改为一般疑问句) ____you____ ____yougurt? I'm sorry I have no idea.Please ask _____one.A.other B.others C.another选哪个,为什么? i want some toothpaste怎么变一般疑问句 Mery want some milk怎么改成疑问句 I want some beans.变一般疑问句 dream high所有歌曲及其中文翻译 dream high 中文意思是什么 Dream high ost 里的《if》中文翻译 怎么找外国人说英语 求dream high中maybe这首歌 的中文意思 dream high主题曲的中文谐音 I don`t like eat apples.He doesn`t like applea.too b.also c.either I want some popcorn.(变为一般疑问句) do you want some water用milk改为选择疑问句 清风小区去年年底全部改用了节约水龙头,王奶奶说我家上半年清风小区去年年底全部改用了节约水龙头,王奶奶说我家上半年节约水费34.5元李奶奶说我家第二季度共节约水费21元请问谁家平 climb up the mountain这个短语的中文 Climb up the mountain意思 The higher up the mountain you climb,the colder and thinner the air will become.这句话为什么要把up放到the mountain? 跪求Digital Daggers-Head Over Heels的歌词,最好还有中文翻译... they can climb their way up the mountain 这句话怎么翻译啊 I head over heels in love with you翻译成中文 英语翻译 心血来潮,求1-2部好看的鬼片,不是惊悚片,也不是恐怖片哦!大陆的或者香港的,在先等到22点..还魂夜,山村老尸都看过就是想要这种类型的。 谁知道2010最新鬼片恐怖片任何国家的都行.急!要是电影哦一楼的,我要的是2010最新的 注意,回答最好有3个以上 知道的都可回答,不管自己认为好不好,也可以在后面加上对该片的意见 鬼片 恐怖片推荐求大家推荐鬼片,恐怖片,08、09年都行 太老的就不要了 不要外国的,大陆香港台湾都行 what do you want (介词) buy He is going (介词)climb the mountain on Sunday he failed_____ his attempt to climb the mountain(加介词,在of,from,in,on中选)