
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:43:41
do did does在疑问句中分别用于第几人称?如何用?他们在分别在什时态下用? 英语翻译求下三行翻译及哪个文字? 列举5个由do、does、did引导的一般疑问句,意思一定要简单. 陈述句变一般疑问句时.do does did怎么区分 英语翻译Bien que plusieurs fois de rêver le semestre prochain ou table de rêver de toi je crois que je vous aime! on my way home on the way home on the way my home上面那些是正确的表达 ON THE WAY MY HOME.回我家的路上.这句英文对了吗? 聪明的人回答一下1 当m为何正整数时,关于x的方程x-(2分之x-m)=3分之2-x的解为非负数?2 商场准备将原售价为4000元的某型号电视机降价销售,已知该型号电视机的成本价为3000元,在保证不亏本 填空:Many people like to eat t___.in Chinain China ,almost every province has its f___ noodles .even f__ friends want to ttaste them when ther come to Beijing,eating the long_life noodles m__ you willbe h__ all the days there is a__ try to e__ othe Many people in China have their p_____ computer at home. 谁能帮我写一篇关于当一天家庭小主人的作文?要800字的,我们老师要关于当一天家庭小主人的作文,就是今天你自己当家长,给爸爸妈妈买东西,做饭等,总之为他们和家人服务一天! 我当一天小主人的作文怎么写 当一天家,做一天小主人的体会文章 啄木鸟在行动 结论快 英语翻译书上写的如果你住在灯塔里,感觉怎么样.how would you like to到底要怎么直译呢 做家庭小主人的感受 作文 求3篇“做家庭小主人”作文300字六年级上学期水平 很简单的题,但需要聪明的人来回答!108个乒乓球,一个坏球,天平5次称出来 My mother met an old friend ________ the way home.【A】to 【B】by 【C】in 【D】on 自认聪明的人来回答这个题有3个人去投宿,一晚30元.三个人每人掏了10元凑够30元交给了老板.后来老板说今天优惠只要25元就够了,拿出5元命令服务生退还给他们,服务生偷偷藏起了2元,然后,把 请问on my way home可不可以说成on the way to my home? Do your homework at home.(用 at school改成否定句) 啄木鸟是什么意思 One night,a men was on his way home when he met a drunk.翻译 He is on the way his home.哪里错了 He often buys something on his way_是home 还是HIS home What would you like to eat next time? 写一篇英语作文:What would u like to live? 英语翻译All these things I'd missed out on worrying about death.这个句子确实没有问题TAT,原文就是这么写的。 I met Kate on()way home yesterday.A.my B.me C.his D.him 英语翻译关于货运问题最近智利火山爆发,是否影响运输?翻译以上句子 关于货运问题这个也要翻译= Harry is driving a car on his way home.He likes driving very much.He is thinking about the coming evening.“Oh,my son,Robin,is ten years old today!I am so happy!I have a nice box for him.He will be very happy to open the box and see…I must drink s