
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:58:18
请你写出一组含有48,52的勾股数 已知集合A=﹛x|ax²+2x+1=0﹜,若A中至少有一个元素,求实数a的取值范围. 已知函数y=a+bcosx(b>0)的最大值是3/2,最小值是-1/2求函数y=2asin(bx)的最小正周期,振幅和单调区间 已知集合{x|ax²+2x+1=0,a属于R,x属于R}若A中至多有一个元素,求a的取值范围?若A中只有一个元素,求a值?求过程 若函数y=(m的2次方-1)x+5m是一次函数,则常数m的取值范围是 高二英语练习I though he was a small child,he knew what was the right thing to do=_____________________,he knew what was the right thing to doDespite meeting with much trouble,she succeeded in finding a good job in the big city=_________________ 高二英语训练题 帮下1.If you are planning to spend you money having fun this week,bettr___it-you've got some big bills coming.A.To face B.Having faced C.Faced D.Facing2.According to a recent U.S survey,children spend up to 25 hours a week---T 能不能推荐几本高二英语练习?最好是完形填空阅读理解或改错的, 一根绳子箭去1/4,又接上5米,这样比原来短了3/16,现在长多少? 已知0 一根绳子用去1/3又接上16米,这时比原来长1/5,这跟绳子原有多少米? 非谓语动词专项练习1.He raised his voice to make himself _____ .( hear ) 2.My father himself made some candles ____ light .( give ) 3.The boss made the workers ______ day and night .( work ) 1.heard 2.to give 3.working想要分清楚make sb d 高二英语非谓语动词问题There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase 非谓语动词练习和讲解发百科的算了 不常上网 分不多 推荐一些 非谓语动词It was after years of studying abroad that his dream_______ a movie star finally came true.A.became B.becoming C.of becoming D.to have become 一道高二英语非谓语动词题,----"Good morning.Can I help you?"----"I'd like to have this package( ),madam.A.be weighed B.to be weighed C.to weigh D.weighed为何不选b啊? 虚拟语气的练习题Should it rain,the crops _____ .A.would be saved B.would have been saved C.will be saved D.had been saved 这题为什么选A?should可以表示“万一”,那么下雨就可能是真实条件,为什么不选C呢?庄家能被 虚拟语气练习题1.“I’ve told everyone about it.” “Oh,I’d rather you _____.”A.don’t B.hadn’tC.couldn’t D.wouldn’t2.It has been raining for a day,but even though it hadn’t rained,we _____ there by tomorrow.A.can’t get B.won 问几道虚拟语气练习题,请各位解答一下,谢谢不要只给我答案,最好告诉我为什么,谢谢!13. You _____ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago. A. would B. should have C. may D. have 14 虚拟语气的一些练习题4.Mary is ill today.If she _____,she ____ absent from school.A.were not ill,wouldn't beB.had been ill,wouldn't have beenC.had been ill,should have beenD.hadn't been ill,could be5.Were I to do it,I ________ it 求虚拟语气经典练习题 如下图所示图象中,纵坐标为沉淀物的物质的量,横坐标为某溶液中加入反应物的物质的量,按试题将相应图的字母填入下列空格1.表示饱和AlCl3溶液中滴加氨水至过量的是——2.表示向饱和AlCl3 一道简单的高一化学题、现在NaOH、Na2CO3、和Ba(OH)2、3种无色溶液、选用一种试剂把它们鉴别出来、并写出反应的化学方程式和离子方程式 高一化学简单一道题,在线等一定量的液态化合物XY2,在一定量的O2中恰好完全燃烧,方程式为XY2(1)+3O2(g)=XO2(g)+2YO2(g),冷却后再标准状况下测得生成物的体积为672毫升,密度为2.56g/L,则1. 有ABCDE五种微粒.A微粒核内有14个种子,核外M电子层上有2个电子B微粒得到2个电子后,其电子层结构与Ne相同C微粒带有一个单位的正电荷,核电荷数为11D微粒核外有18个电子,当失去一个电子时呈电 氯化碘ICl的化学性质和氯气相似,预计他与水反应的最初生成物是什么?A.HI和HClOB.HCl&HIO但是如果照水与氯气的反应规则来看,A也蛮符合题意.为什么不选?与酸性的强弱又有关系吗? 16岁178厘米,长到188,怎么办? |a-5|+(b+¼)²=0则¾a-2b=? A Fighter for JusticeHe was denied admission to one law school because he was black.But today that same school has a law library named after him.You may not know much about Thurgood Marshall,but he strengthened education rights for African Americans Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao encouraged citizens to read more on world reading day,which (fell )on 为什么用fellwhich (fell )on sunday this year。 ( )some of this juice-perhaps you'll like it.A.TryB.To tryC.If you try我的水平为,除了会背单词,其他的基本为0为什么不选C? 高二英语竞赛题单选:1.He was sent to prison for six months .When___six months are over ,he"ll be out ;____difficulty then will be to find a job.A.the;the B.(不填);(不填) C.a;the D.a ;(不填)