
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 19:21:47
英语翻译The main conclusion is that both teachers and students in distance education need good support.It is not only support with the technology; they must have support with the whole process of teaching and learning.It is very important that di 是什么字 谁来告诉我这是什么字啊. 里面的卿 指的是女性还是男性 英语翻译The sample was activated at 150 oC for 12h with dynamic vacuum before each measurement.The activated sample weight was measured after experiment and was used to calculate the SO2 adsorption results.The activated sample weight for Ni(bdc)( The m(?) in the photo is my dad.根据首字母提示,完成单词 英语翻译Infrared spectroscopy:A powder of M(bdc)(ted)0.5 2 mg) was pressed onto a KBr pellet(~1 cm diameter,1-2 mm thick) and placed into a high pressure high temperature cell purchased from Specac (product number P/N 5850c) at the focal point of 9 实验结果分析 专业英语求翻译The SO2 adsorption isotherms for activated Ni(bdc)(ted)0.5 and Zn(bdc)(ted)0.5 were collected at 298 K. The data are shown in Figure 2. For the pressures below 0.35 bar, the SO2 uptake in Ni(bdc)(ted)0.5 incr 这字叫啥?啥意思? 请问这个是什么字体 英语翻译Peanut milk was fermented with therapeutic strains to produce vegetable drinks.The extraction procedures were examined for their suitability to make desirable peanut milk .Therapeutic strains of lactic acidproducing microorganisms were us 英语翻译It was Monday,Mrs.Smith’s dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way,Mrs.Smith took a piece of paper,and Wrote the following words on it:“Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then s 在我眼里,所有的病人都是国王是什么意思 著名医生罗伯特科赫说在我的眼中所有的病人都是国王这句话的主旨是什么? 罗伯特非常平静的回答说:“请陛下原谅,在我眼里,病人都是国王.”这位医生的言外之意是什么 椰子用英语怎么读? 这叫什么字体? =-=美图秀秀有么 =-= 这种字体叫什么请问这是什么字体? 求这个字体叫什么? 若lim(an^2+bn)/(n+1)=2,则a+b= 多少?方便的话打下过程, 点A的坐标为(4,0),点P在第一象限,且cos角OPA=0.5.1)求出点P的坐标(写出一个即可)2)求出使△OPA的面积最大的点P的坐标,并求出△OPA的面积的最大值. 已知数an=4n-1,bn=(1/n)(a1+a2+.+an).设bn的前n项和为sn,则lim(1/s1 + 1/s2 +.+ 1/sn)=多少? 解直角三角.急 .如图所示,某水库大坝的横截面是等腰梯形,坝顶宽6米.坝高10米,斜边AB的坡度为1比2,现在加高2米,在坝顶宽和斜坡坡度不变的情况下,加高一条长为50米的大坝,需多少土方.,; .急 已知数列{an}的首项a1不等于0,其前n项和为Sn,且S(n+1)=2Sn+a1,求lim(an/Sn)的值, 解直角三角型【2道 在四边形ABCD中,∠B=∠D=90º,∠A=60,BC=3____ AD=8√3------- 求AB,CD的长3AD= 8√3分之1 求AB,CD的长题目就这么多已知条件了。没有图。.BC=3 ...8√3AD=----....3 朱红色+翠绿色后 是什么颜色? 数学解三角三角形abc bc=根号5 ac=3 sinc=2sina 求ab ?求sin(2a-π/4)的值? 原谅小弟不会 大神帮帮忙?赶时间 朱红色加什么色能变成大红色 为什么抗菌药物的局部应用要尽量避免? 按照《抗菌药物临床应用管理办法》规定:特殊使用抗菌药物在临床使用和发放的具体内容是什么? 为什么夏天那么多文字