
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:32:27
Who is cleaning the classroom?A 、 Linda does B、 Linda is C、 Linda has D、 Linda"s he asually exercises改写同义句是什么? 神游其中怡然自得的怡然是什么意思. I want tobe 演讲稿 一百字左右 一百字左右 急 越快分越高 神游其中,怡然自得.其实我只是做任务而已. You shouldn't talk at the table in Peru.(改为同义句) You --------- ----------- talk at the table in Peru.少加了一个空格呢!应该是 You------- -------- ------ talk at the table in Peru 填国家名字ln____,you are not supposed to talk at the table 并联电路中,定值电阻R1的阻值是45欧姆,接通开关后,电压表示数是4.5V(电源电压);电流表示数为0.3A(电源电流).定值电阻R2的阻值是多大? want tobe forever 万舟竞渡,百舸争流 怎么翻译 open 《童趣》文章不仅写“怡然称快”,而且还写“怡然自得”,其原因是什么 两则英语谜语关于猫和狗的 "这将有利于我更进一步的发展"用英语怎么说? "我又更进一步的了解了你"用英语怎么说,要翻译"更进一步" 更进一步的合作用英语怎么说 why do you want tobe a volunteer 的作文 At an“open 1:What two things can't you have for breakfast?________2:How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?________ 让我们的距离更进一步英语怎样说 怎么样让自己的英语更进一步? .Relic手表好吗?拜托各位大神 急用 1.___he___(play)basketball this Sunday?2.I___(leave)for Jinan in a moment. 让成绩说明一切用英语怎么说? Fill as many blanks as possible. 跪求两篇英语周记!春节期间的! 连词成句in,to,make,order,rubbish,we,less,should,paper,reuse Look!This ia our students' d___.It's big and clean. 炘这个是什么字啊?怎么读?急 inspection inspection是什么意思 ruin和relic 区别我问的是ruin 废墟,遗迹