
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:40:09
已知:某公司现金收支平稳,预计全年(按360天计算)现金需要量为360 000元,现金与有价证券的转换成本为每次300元,有价证券年均报酬率为6%.要求:1、运用存货模式计算最佳现金持有量2、计 1、三角公司2005年度资本实际平均额8000万元,其中不合理平均额为400万一元,预计2006年度销售增长10%,资本周转速度加快5%.试在资本需要额与销售成比例的前提下,预测2006年度资本需要额.2、四 急 财务管理计算题 求高手作答 【请详细写出解答过程 副公式】企业资金总额1200万元,发行债券筹资400万元,筹资费率3%,债券年利率12%,所得税费率33%,发行普通股筹资800万元,筹资费率4%,预计下 谁的英文字贴比较好? 运营管理计算题解题步骤和答案a firm must decide on where tolocate its plants..two options are being considered,namely locate near thesource of raw materials or locate near the customers.If the plant is located nearthe source of raw mater 应用题 怎么解答 要步骤也要答案!一桶米酒倒出40%后,又倒出16千克,正好是一桶米酒的一半,这桶米酒原来有多少千克? 小明和小丽两人分别从相距1200米的两地相向而行,如果同时出发,经过24分钟后两人相遇,如果小丽提前10分钟出发,在小明出发20分钟后两人相遇,求小明和小丽的速度分别是多少? 生产运营管理计算题 急某厂某零件需求量10000件,该零件订购25元/次,年单位库存费80元,企业连续生产不允许该零件缺货,试问零件的经济订货量.麻烦回答详细一点,看的不太明白啊~考试要得分 怎么做好英语完型填空? 完型填空用英语怎么说呀?还有怎样做好完型填空啊 217和200的最大公因数 93和39的最大公因数 9、27、405的最小公倍数 93和39的最小公倍数 求最大公因数 如何做好英语完型填空 计算题,小红做了一道题,计算15*【(1/5)-(1/3)】=【15*(1/5)】-【15*(1/3)】=15x5-15x3=75-45=30.你认为小红的解法对吗?如果不对,怎样改正? 第一课13题“书籍为我打开了许多窗口”中的“窗口”和“为你打开一扇门”中的“门”有什么相同之处?这种写法有什么作用?第六课6题:第一自然段中,①②③④句能否交换位置?为什么?第 苏教版七年级下册语文期末试卷及答案 完形填空··很急··快点啊··Alot of people are sitting in the waiting room and waiting for their turns.Jack,a schoolboy,is sitting there,too.They _____ very sas except(除.之外)Jack.He is ______ an interesting story in a picture book,and 求一份苏教版七年级语文二单元测试题,快,急用! A young man once asked Albert Einstein,the great German scientist,what the secret of success is.The scientist (1)______ him that the secret of success (2)______ hard work.(3)_______ a few days,the young man asked him the (4)______ question again.Eins 七年级下册语文苏教版课后题第一课二三题答案拜托~Orz~现在就要.速度快点啊啊啊.最好简单点的。。越简单越好。。TAT。。还有谁能给我《一面》的作者资料和写作背景。。有关预习的神马 完形填空 现在就要We 1 do exercise every day!In the moring we go out to do some exercise 2 ˉˉ ˉˉbreakfast.And then come 3 home to get ready to go to work!And the whole dayˉˉ we 4 full of energy.So we like 5 exercise!But these days it is 完形填空, 做完形填空.快 硅在不锈钢中的作用如题.谢谢 七年级上册历史伴你学答案 全部,要尽快,最好六点十分之前, 只要27-36页 苏教版七年级上册历史期中试卷 这个英语完型填空谁能帮我做一下啊? In prison,holidays are the worst.Birthdays,anniversaries,Thanksgiving,Christmas,even Valentine's Day can be 36 .It's difficult,and painful to be away from those we love-to be 37 of the celebrations and the memory making.Often we feel a little 38 or i 英语翻译It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s,came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.The nurse had him take a seat in the waiting area,tellin