
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:55:09
It was very kind of you to clean the office,though you C_.为什么选didn't have to?选needn't do 难道不是‘虽然你“不必做”的意思吗?’ My English teacher has a beautiful_____.A.look B.good-looking C.hair 英语翻译一个小男孩乱闯红灯,差点被车撞,车主告诉他不要乱闯红灯,然后小男孩感觉很丢脸,低下了头,接着就是这句话:he knew that the cap fitted only too well.怎么翻译?答题者,谢. 有没有人可以发新东方剑桥商务英语BEC中级的网络课堂视频给我啊?Email:ey_07@126.com 求歌颂建国六十年及改革开放三十年的 朗诵稿子 which is your job?中文翻译是什么 英语翻译请翻译出来,一定要正确.:That is a record which is as valuable in sports as a thousand goals. 英语翻译This listing is for the body former plans as well as an easy to follow guide which will walk you though the various steps to completing your Lamborghini Aventador full-body kit.Also included are build plans for the Bugatti Veyron fibergla 建国60周年古诗是四句的诗,必须是关于建国60周年的诗 建国60周年的诗歌赞美祖国 文化是什么?怎么区别文化与文明? 谁能解决一些英语题?1.The box is too heavy for him to carry.(同义句) The box isn "t______ ______ for him to carry . 2.she realized Hainan was a beautiful place after she reached thehe.(同义句) She _____ realize Hainan wa 在她6岁的时候就上学了.She went to school ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )six. she goes to school at six.l go to school at six,too.(同义句) she gpes to school at six; __ __ __ school to Amys went she排序 请分别说出essential 与 recommend 两个词的所有用法. 英语翻译Switches to the element that currently has focus within the document currently "switched to",or the body element if this cannot be detected. 新东方和韦博的口语课哪个更好 韦博口语 北京韦博英语怎么样啊,我想学口语, 英语翻译Uh,yeah,I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house,.My brother wants to move out.Yep,Isure am.Ever since i cut back on my work hours to go to school ,i've been really low on cash.求翻译 想大概了解一下哲学思想,有没有比较好的书? 哪里有卖关于李小龙哲学思想的书籍想买本 看看,觉得他的哲学思想非常的不错. 求书!关与批判哲学思想类的书!对现在社会上某些已成为共识、常理的认知或现象进行颠覆性或创造性的深刻批判,对人性中某些隐藏的东西的批判,对历来经典文学中某些东西的批判,最重要 天街夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星的意境是什么 将来进行时和现在进行时的区别是什么 现在进行时和将来进行时的区别I'm going camping for vacation.这个句子的意思是我打算在假期去野营.这不是将来时么.怎么和现在进行时的用法一样?还有 what are you doing for vacation?为什么是doing而不 怎么区分现在进行时和将来进行时 外星人保罗有国语版吗?在那看? 银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤.天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星.诗中“_________”“________."两句反应了这一季节的特点.作者通过“______““______”的描写,反应出宫女的孤独无聊的宫廷生活 秋夕,银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扑流萤.天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星这首诗是什么意 advise和suggest的区别说的简洁一点