
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:17:52
dare ,you must的 dare not to darelook at ,because no reason 女儿该怎样成长成才? 怎么才能成才的更快 tits?是什么意思? i thought the thought i thought was not the thought i thoughti thought the thougut i would not thought so much.两句是一句话,怎么翻译? name's什么意思 lndependence day是啥意思 I had to walk the `` wife kiss remembered thought my oh I also couldthink you 急用! 问一道三角函数的方程题, If you thought the weather has finally turned a corner,you're sadly mistaken.尤其是turn a Applicant’s signature一栏怎么填?一点开以后就出现什么数字证书,创建什么点进去完全看不懂啊.这个签名是要怎么弄呢?是写英文还是中文?怎么签名到这个小框框啊?pdf格式啊,不是在白纸上啊 如果请外国人在文件上签字不知该用signature还是sign? id995a填写 signature of applicant 写中文还是英文? 关于【喜欢的一本书】的英语作文 1,介绍这本书的作者 2,作者的有关信息 3,说明喜欢的理由 一篇不少于60的短文,拜托咯 7 days 表达了什么craig david 是after 10 to 15 days还是in 10 to 15 days slash在一句话中的理解The five new lines will slash travel times for many commuters who live outside the downtown area.求这句话中slash一次的理解和翻译, 英语翻译不能从字面翻译哦给各高明的答案吧 day to day contact是什么意思啊Could you please arrange those details with your day to day contact,Claire Rice who has all that information.应当怎么样理解? brick and mortar universityStudents at brick and mortar universities increasingly take online courses as part of their degree programs. 英文”brick and mortar”的中文意思?如题 brick and mortar investment 黑格尔的哲学史保守的哲学 Most of them plan things ahead and dont like thier plan to be changedSo when you want your parents to let you do something you will have better success if you ask _________you really start doing itA:before B:after(最好帮我解释一下啊,父母 Most of them plan things ahead and don't like their pians to be .(C开头的单词) 看到女同事的衣服赫然印着英文单词:juicy ware,感觉有很强的性方面的暗示,哪位能准确解读这两个单词的意义 我叫张璐,我们班就我一个没有英文名,请大家帮忙取一个英文名,我是女的,不要LULU. 我叫刘云婷,我想取一个好听又简单的英文名,例如:ViVi或者lulu这样的,恳请各位能帮忙吗?谢谢 谢谢感谢各位的回答,请问能在简单点,和我名字的谐音都可以的,最好能解析下名字的意思以 我叫宋璐 起什么英文名好听 不要lucy lu lulu 谢谢我是女生 翻译To be part of it that there could be no sharing of directors and operating staff. 发牢骚有什么用,你得想办法呀(no use)翻译 急