
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:46:59
It will make your parents happy if you get good grades in the exam.和if引到从句的关系 I knew it was there ,but there was nothing to see There was nothing to see和There was nothing to be seen.有什么区别,中文意思分别是什么? There was nothing to see because it was too dark._____ _____ _____nothing to see.同义句转换 there is nothing to see中的to see是做什么成分 潜艇的外壳用钢,使整个锻造出来的,还是用钢板焊接的? We write in pens这个句子对吗? 实验中要采用蜡烛B在玻璃板后面移动与蜡烛A的像完全重合来确定像的位置,而不是光屏来接收像,是因为什么 遇水膨胀止水条密度一般是多少 橡胶垫抗振用(微电机尾部),中等负荷(约200N),胶垫最小厚度应多少?行业中最小能做到多厚? RT,-----------------,there was nothing else to do-----------------,there was nothing else to do 该填After he had finished his homework还是Having finished his homework 单选In mordern society,everyone is busy in working or studying.--,many people suffer from stress a空上该填?原因是什么1.In mordern society,everyone is busy in working or studying.--,many people suffer from stress and anxiety.A Anyway B Othe 翻译Many people suffer with low back pain, and most get better. However, those who suffer withMany people suffer with low back pain, and most get better. However, those who suffer with long-term pain can find that their work, everyday and leisure a a cake a cake of soap This is the w_____we write with pencils. 119.Please bake the cake_____20 minutes ____180c.A.for ,at B.at,for C.in,at D.at ,in twenty minute,twenty minutes,twenty minutes',与twenty-minute的用法有什么区别各相当于哪种词的用法? twenty minutes' way 还是twenty minutes' road 当用蜡烛b在玻璃板后移动寻找蜡烛a的像的位置时你认为蜡烛b是否要点燃?你的理由是? Only when our eyes have been washed by tears ,(can we) have a broader field of vision.为什么主句中用can we? body {background-color:yellow} h1 {background-color:#00ff00} h2 {background-color:transparent} p {background-color:rgb(250,0,255)} p.no2 {background-color:gray; padding:20px;} 这是标题 1 这是标题 2 这是段落这个段落设置了内 so2 API指数是什么? don't forget to close the door after (leave) the classroom 1Can you go to the hospital with 2 she Does he often late for school 3Thank you for help me.改错,每个只有一个错哦哦哦!是换一个词,第一题算了,不可以加词减词哦哦! Don't forget to close the door after you ------(leave) the classroom. Don't forget to close the window.---_______________.Yes,I won't.No,I will Yes,I will No,I won't选 A、B、C、D 把9g氧化铜粉末放入试管内通H2加热后,当时内残留物质为8g时,被还原的氧化铜质量为如题.请写出详解..A 8g B 5g C 4g D 10g 做"一氧化碳还原氧化铜"的实验中,将8g氧化铜放入试管中,通入足量的一氧化碳并加做“一氧化碳还原氧化铜”的实验中,将8g氧化铜放入试管中,通入足量的一氧化碳并加热 再次称量 固体变成7 已知中心坐标原点的双曲线C的右焦点为已知中心坐标原点的双曲线C的右焦点为(2,0),右顶点为(根号3,0)(1)求双曲线C的方程(2)若直线l:y=kx+根号2与双曲线C恒有两个不同交点A,B.且向量OA*向 求经过原点,圆心为点(6,-6)的圆的方程(要过程,) 如何配制电解液 I share a bedroom with 【my sister】 .(提问) _____ _____ you share a bedroom