
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:03:46
1999年7月5日,用英文怎么说? 请问英语的7月5日怎么说快 9月5日 用英文怎么说 Chinese people like eating with chopsticks.的同义句是不是Chinese people like use chopsticks to eatChinese people like eating with chopsticks.的同义句是不是Chinese people like use chopsticks to eat Chinese people are suppose to wear______on traditional weddings,and they______ on funerals. You should ______ more careful next time.解释句意并说明理由我用了“were" 如图,α∩β=m,n‖α,n‖β,求证m‖n.这是高二下学期的一道数学题,课本里的. 内涵相同 外延一定相同吗?外延相同 内涵一定相同吗?第一个可以理解为,概念的内涵可以决定外延吗?第二个问题在于,概念有特有性质,即只有该种事物有,其他事物没有的性质.如果外延相同, my plane will__in an hour.I must get to the airport in half an hour.A.land B.take off C.take on D.take in — I must go now.The plane will leave in half an hour.Thank you for seeing me off.—____________ A.Good luck.B.Be careful.C.Best Wishes.D.Hurry to catch the plane. The film will end in half an hour改为 The film_____ _____ _____in half an hour The plane from shanghai to paris will ___ in an hourA take upB take awayC take outD take off 我国两会主要开展形式是什么?在什么时候开?有哪些人参加?主要有什么作用? 中国的两会指的是什么 Be( )next time.A.moercareful B.caerful C.carefully D.more carefully Lcy will finish writing an e-mail (in half an hour)对括号里提问 They will finish their work in half an hour.(对划线部分提问,划 in half an hour) I will finish my homework in an hour (特殊疑问句) 急需关于描写青岛4季的英语短文题目“The weather in qingdao”100~200字, 2012两会记者问翻译是谁啊 两会如何快速翻译 英语语法.We're having a meeting in half an hour .The decision_____at the meeting will英语语法.We're having a meeting in half anhour .The decision_____at the meeting willinfluence the future of our company.A:tobe made B:being made C:made 不懂得子 怎么用搜狗拼音输入法打出来 _____ will the meeting begin in half a hour.A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How many 28.We’re having a meeting in half an hour.The decision______at the meeting will inf the future of our company.A.to be made B.being madeC.made D.having been made The meeting has been on for half an hour.(划线部分提问,划for half an hour 我出生于湖北武汉用英语怎么写 化验员检测计算硝酸盐 取本品5ml置试管中,于冰浴中冷却,加10%氯化钾溶液0.4ml与0.1%二苯胺硫酸溶液0.1ml,摇匀,缓缓滴加硫酸5ml,摇匀,将试管于50℃水浴中放置15分钟,溶液产生的蓝色与标准硝 什么叫“外延”、“内涵”? 先观察,再计算1-1/2=2/1x2-1/1x2=1/2 1/2-1/3=3/2x3-2/2x3=1/2x3=1/6 1/3-1/4=4/3x4-3/3x4=1/3x4 .观察上面式子的特征,你能计算1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42+1/56+1/72吗? 先观察再计算.=1×1=2×1=3×2×1=120中的B是多少? 先观察,在计算:已知:1-1/2=1/1-1/2=1/(1×2),1/2-1/3=1/(2*3),1/3-1/4=1/(3×4)……求“1/(1*3)+1/(3*5)+1/(5*7)+……=1/(99*101)