
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:53:04
My sister _____ ______(not have) long hair?一般疑问句 Our teacher left Shanghai two hours ago改为同义句 Our teacher 四个空 Shanghai for two hours 曾国藩,左宗棠,李鸿章他们三人究竟谁的才能最大? I have short hair.My sister has long hair.合并成一个句子 I have long hair.My sister has long hair too.(改为同义句) —— —— ——have long hair. 曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章一生参与的重大历史事件 用have或has填空.1.My sister and linda______long hair.2.we don t______any cars. Simon come from Shanghai.否定句 请问一下这是什么蛇啊?有点带红色.有没有毒啊? 请分析以下这句话是定语从句还是宾语从句.急用.but give me the numbers of what is still on stock It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 哪个是谓语和非谓语? To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard.Finishing the work in ten minutes is very hard. 做梦梦到黑色的蛇.昨晚睡觉梦到和一朋友在池塘边玩,然后看到池塘的水有很大动静就跑近了去看.,结果爬上来一条黑色的大蛇,因为害怕嘛就马上转身就跑,跑的时候回头看它在追我,当时心里 表达心愿或意志或理想的诗句 中国同盟会为何在日本东京成立? 7、1915年,中国同盟会在日本东京创办的机关报是()A、《民报》 B、《中外纪闻》 C、《时务报》 D、《国闻报》 关于魔蝎座的一切. To finish the work in two hours is too hard for us.改成同义句快,改为同义句-------- is --------- for us ---------- finish the work in two hours. It is ______(可能) for you to finish the work within two days. 用比较级描述a town 和a city 的区别提示词:clean air,blue sky,busy,noisy,many people,interesting,excuting,beautiful越快越好 关于city,town,country那句话是说一个老奶奶住在country 里,然后要去( )看女儿.选项有 town 有city,为什么选town 不选city?是不是city 里面包括town 和 country呢 don't worry 和 never mind 区别详见该题:A:I'm afraid I've broken the chair.B:_________.I can easilt get it fixed.A.Don't worryB.Excuse meC.Never mindD.Go ahead请教A和C答案的区别答案选择的是:C所以觉得很奇怪,求解! don't mention it还是never mind?----Sorry,sir.I made a mistake again ---_____.Practice more and you will do better. not at all,never mind,take it easy,don't mention it的用法及语境 中国同盟会为什么在日本成立,而不在中国? what are the chief features of modernist literature?what did the modernist writers achieve urban与city的区别 江苏省吴江市是city还是town?另外国际快递中city/town和address怎么区分啊?怎么写? the twins are eating some meat改为一般疑问句 摩羯座的男人到底是什么样的 摩羯座的女人到底是什么样的.自己连自己都不是很了解,有点头痛. 他啥意思,他摩羯座.他前段时间告诉我了,他喜欢我,我也告诉他要对他好点儿了.前几天,他问过我有啥打算,还说你的找个男朋友了吧,呵呵,我就说你觉得我适合找啥样的?他说,我说不好.我就说,