
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:56:18
英语翻译This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of German,without giving effect to any statutory conflict of law provisions or rules that would cause the application of the law of any jurisdiction 有的人活着 他已经死了 有的人死了 他还活着应怎样理解急 十分钟 快 急 有的人活着他已经死了,有的人死了他还活着 是什么意思 呢 email,got,he,an,has,from,Jack(.)连词成句 连词成句 I little far school a live from. 将下列句子合并为定语从句 把下列单句合并成定语从句1:He is the man and I think you can depend on him.2:Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was not anything comparable to it until our machine age.3:It is useful to be able to predict th 将下列句子合并成为定语从句Those are the shoes,l lost them last week.The man is my brother,He is standing under the treeDo you know the girl?She is talking with the teacher.They are taliking the movie now .They have seen it twice before. 有的人死了他还活着指哪些人 有的人 第一个有的人是什么?第二个有的人是什么?有的人活着,他已经死了 中 死指什么?是因为这些人怎么 I have had a letter from Tom!我怎么感觉多了个have.这个句子可否帮忙分析下结构.改为第三人称He has had a letter from Tom.这样正确不,还有其它变法没呢?Thanks! I have had a letter from Tom.第一嘅have 代表?第二had 又是什麼?从句子成分分析~ neat year I‘m going to study___(hard)than this year是next 把两个句子合并成定语从句1.What's the address of the factory?We noticed the advertisement of the factory the other day.2.A professor is going to give us a speech this Friday afternoon.He has been working on environmental protection.3.He ha 《史记》里有哪些故事 史记中有哪些故事 史记故事有哪些? 史记里有哪些故事? 有些人活着他已经死了,有些人死了他还活着 出自哪里?是哪篇文章里的? 用定语从句将两个句子合并成一个句子.(1)There was a time.We had to take a boat to go Tokyo at that time.(2)The reason is not true.He gave the reason to the teacher. 将两个句子合并成一个有定语从句的句子I met Tom yesterday.His mother is my teacher. 对Su hai get an email from her efriend yesterday.提问.第一句改为否定句,第二句改为一般疑问句,第三句对an ...friend提问,第四句对get...friend提问. I got an e-mail from my friend yesterday.(改写同义句)I ___ an e-mail from my friend yesterday.I ___ from my friend yesterday. Did you hear from your friend yesterday?(用recently改写句子) 世界及中国动物保护的历史 Work To Make It Work 歌词 I'm not going to make it how to make it work 《名人传》和《海底两万里》读书笔记共15篇,400字以上.最好是分开来的15篇… 仿照下面的例句,自拟写一组句子,要求所写句子使用排比的修辞手法友谊之火温暖了朋友受伤的心,照亮了迷途前进的方向,驱散了孤独者心中的阴云,点燃了失败者新生的希望. 根据你的观察和对生活的感悟,仿照例句写一个句子自然能给我们许多启示:滴水可以穿石,是在告诉我们做事应持之以恒;大地能载万物,是在告诉我们求学要广读博览;( ),( ). 仿照下面例句,再写一个句子,使之构成排比.仿照.我要借于绿色来比喻葱茏的爱和幸福,我要借于绿色来比喻猗郁的年华必须得什么色,什么色...