
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 07:03:03
______ to somebody,a British person often shake hands.A) On being introduced B) On introducingC) When introducing D) While introducing 请问according to的同义词有哪些啊? _____ to a stranger ,a British person often shakes hands with him .A.After introducing B.On having introducedC.On being introduced According to有什么同义词或同义短语? let us introduce you to the person uniquely qualified to be your partner.uniquely qualified 为什么放在person 的后面而不是前面 还有一个别的问题the decision to go ahead with the strike was announced by a union spokesman at the end vary according 一个绞丝旁加一个尚读什么? 绞丝旁加一个壳 念甚么求助啊!糹壳 念甚么??? 一个绞丝旁加一个云读什么 绞丝旁加一个九怎么念 There R a lot of people who can B trusted.Just trust the people around U.It is good 4U. I just want to care of the people around me if you ( )the story into less than a hundred pages,i will punished it .A.depressB.impressC.compressD.suppress 10 and a half feets 翻译同上 Do you go to English 和 When do you go to English是什么意思?急.急. they go to school by( )【train】 可以说by trains么? 用英语说一个四岁的孩子a four years' old child对吗? You maybe feel boring――这句话对吗? Don't you feel plagiarism is boring? half and half 什么意思? Thank you for _______us to visit you.(invitation) It takes ______(two and a half hours;two hours a Thank you for _______us to visit you.(invitation) It takes ______(two and a half hours;two hours a half)to go to Beijing by air. If was half in and half this afternoon 是用一般将来时吗 Jack is late again It is chord progression是什么意思 chord在数学里面什么意思啊急~ I don't feel sad.How do you feel? you may feel sleepy for you are exhausted.for 和because 可以向这样替换吗? Power 是力量和弦的意思吗?请问. fourteen and a half inches 翻译 Quorra's chord 英语翻译Toyota's lean-manufacturing experts