
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:38:01
I 'm going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句) 喵 strawberry,family,thing的复数形式是?还有:photo My father is going to climb up the Great Wall.改为一般疑问句快 He is going to climb the hill this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_____ is he going to _____ thisafternoon? Nancy is going to go camping 一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答 1.You are right.I regret _____ your advice.A.to take B.not to take C.taking D.not taking2.The boy made up his mind to ____ his classmates.A.catch up B.catching up C.catch up with D.catching up with3.This house is too old.It needs ____.A.to repair B.t Help yourself to some apples!的否定回答是什么?比如说我现在不想吃了. Help ___to some apples,everyone这里选YOURSELF还是YOURSELVES Help ___(oneself) to some apples,children.还要这句话的翻译 动物的计算同人的计算本质是否一样 白银盘里一青螺, 望洞庭这首故诗中,''白银盘里一青螺''中的白银盘指的是( ),青螺指的是( ) 这句是 “白银盘里一青螺”中的“白银盘”、“青螺”分别是什么意思? 人和动物的本质区别是什么?动物也有思想和语言,也会制造和使用工具,也很聪明. 白银盘里一青螺的青螺是什么意思急 望洞庭白银盘里一青螺中的“白银盘”指的是什么 family的复数形式 she is going to climb mountians.we are going to visit the palace museum.改为否定句和一般疑问句.it is going to rain very soon. We'd like to climb the mountians.(变为一般疑问句) (she is going to visit her teacher next week) 改成一般疑问句 she is going to be a writer用actress改为疑问句 she is going to fiy a kite next week 改为否定句,一般疑问句特殊疑问句 单句改错.Please help you to some apples.好奇怪的题. 求解答.八年级英语.谢谢 1.______,he had studied art in Paris.A.When a boy B.As boy C.As a boy D.As he is a boy2.How magnificent the big bridge looks at night when all the lights are________!A.switched over B.switched off C.switched down D.switched on(为嘛不是D)3.No one 梁衡的壶口瀑布文章中,多次运用叠词,他的表达作用是什么? 八年级英语 求答案 谁有今年最新的语文第一单元试卷、、、六年級 英语音标发音要咬舌的音是不是只有θ和ð就是一个清辅音和一个浊辅音. 马戏团用来表演的大型动物是怎么来的?貌似有一些动物还是国家的保护动物 为什么会让马戏团的驯兽师拥有. 下列属于实践活动 马戏团的动物表演节目为什么马戏团的动物表演节目不属于实践活动?不要实践活动的定义,只要分析这一例即可^_^ 马戏团的动物会进行精彩的表演,这些行为怎么产生的