
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:27:52
How about joining me for a cup of What about _____ (have) a cup of coffee?How about _____( make ) a birthday cake for him 为什么 What about_(have)a cup of coffee? ---I am sorry I _____my exerice book at home.----Don not forget __ it to school tomorrow,please.A.left; to bring B.forget ;to take C.forget ;to bring D.left;to take Mum,could please bring my math book to our school?这句话如何翻译?Could换成can,新句子与原句有何区别 英语翻译①时事如此,吾济欲保全家室,宜有所统属②仙率余众遁还真定,悉获其军资器打仗 用schoolchildren,me,tell,those,children,about,these,children,little,are,they连词成句两个陈述句一个问句,单词不能重复 Are those dogs?怎么回答 those\are\potatoes连词成句 酒水英语怎么讲 make a coffee 和make a coffee run的区别有什么区别,还有,在这里run是什么用法 英语翻译 要充分利用一切机会去说英语.我通常在睡觉前先洗个澡.分别用make use of,before doing翻译 英语翻译Below you will find the current list of plugins shipped with Editor.ship 英语翻译急. What has a neck but no head and two arms but no hands? What has a neck but no head,arms but no hand ,and a waist but no legs?肯定不是被分解的尸体,我猜是树吧 what has a head and a foot but no body? 英语翻译英语翻译提问:The within-laboratory coefficient of variation was found to be 9% with 22df and the between-laboratories coefficient of variation 35% with 7df.句中9% with what has a head and a foot but cannot think or walk?what start with a T,ends with a T,and is full of What has a head and a foot but no boby?请回答. 英语翻译为A 提供b 如何翻译比较地道,supply a with b是否准确?或者还有更好的表达? 怎么把名字转换成英文 it has a heab,but no neck.it has a body,but no warmth.no feet,but can trav 英语翻译please count with me for your recommendation letters.导师回的邮件,这句话要怎么去理解?是和他讨论要怎么写还是怎么? What has a body and a neck but no leg? Do you know the man ---- is standing in front of our classroom?A.whichB.whoC.whoseD.what 在一个腰长为20cm的等腰直角三角行铁皮的内部截取一个矩形,则矩形的最大面积为 cm 王师傅在一个等腰直角三角形钢板上截下三个扇形.已知三角形的腰长是20cm,求剩余部分(阴影部分)的面积. 求一部英文名字的日本动漫?以前看的~忘了叫什么名字了~是魔法系列的~有两个女主角~都有魔法杖(法杖还会说话)~其中一个女主的法杖还能当食物吃.~是白色的~.说的有点不清楚~有米有人 有什么女孩子特别喜欢看的英文名字的日本动画? What has a neck,but no head?(猜一物品) what has a neck,but no head