
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:31:35
They enjoy themselves at the birthday party请翻译这句话 自来水黄如何消毒 高锰酸钾长期用于瓷砖消毒池中,消毒池变黄.如何除去黄色?消毒池表面变黄 用什么试剂能除去黄色 最近养龟买了个整理箱''想用高锰酸钾消毒''但泡了半天后出现黄色物质''请问大虾们用不用去除? Have you decided the time______ you will spend on holidays为什么用that 不用when the president will see you on Sunday,___ he will have more time to spend with youA.which B.where C.when D.if I have decided to spend my holiday in the countryside.___I'm sure you'll have a good time there.A Sounds wonderful B Of course C Let me see D Well done You will be happiest if you have friends in the places where you spend the most time.怎么翻译急 They enjoy themselves d____the party They enjoy themselves____the birthday party填空请翻译这句话 we have decided to hold a football match next week .will you ___?为什么不可以填take a part in?答案是play a part,是因为介词in吗?那要怎么判断啊?纠结死我了, We will have a football match next week有什么错 We () have a football match next week. we ___(have)a football match next week,aren't we 怎么种牵牛花? 牵牛花怎么种 如何种牵牛花 牵牛花是怎么种的 打电话时,这句话用英文怎么说?您好.很冒昧给您打电话,我有点急事需要找**,能否转告她:请立即给家里打个电话. 45个小朋友从前往后数,小刚是第20个,从后往前小莉是第10个,小刚和小莉中间有多少个人,问算式 英文打电话的几个句子我是XXX从中国打的电话,请问是XXX么 我打扰到你了么我希望可以与你们一同度过美好的一年因为时差,打电话可能不太方便,你有邮箱么或是MSN不是直译,表达出来就好 外贸中打电话常用的英语句子有哪些? He hardly enjoyed himself at the party last night.(改为反意疑问句)He hardly enjoyed himself at the party last night,____ ______? 已知:如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,直线MN经过点C,且AD⊥MN于D,BE⊥MN于E求证:①△ADC≌△CEB②DE=AD-BE Youi,library,must,talk,at,quietly,the怎样连词成句 ________(not talk)!We must ________(is) quiet in the library. talk do not loudly the in library连词成句 改成否定句:1.Please speak fast.2.You must say it in English.3.You must talk in the library.4.Come early tomorrow.5.I can see someone under the tree. 为了使用石灰浆(Ca(OH)2)抹的墙壁快点干燥,常在室内生个炭火盆为了使用石灰浆(Ca(OH)2)抹的墙壁快点干燥,为什么常在室内生个炭火盆?为什么开始放炭火盆时,墙壁反而变潮湿? 为了使用石灰浆【Ca(OH)2】抹得墙壁快点干燥,为什么常在室内生个炭火盆?为什么开始放炭火盆时,墙变潮急用,快呀. 用石灰浆刷墙后,为了使墙壁快点干燥在屋内放上炭火,为什么墙壁反而湿了?题目要求用两个化学方程式解释为什么开始放炭火是墙壁反而湿了?是两个化学方程式 我只知道一个 how can he ()the new school?其中A gets to、 B get to、C arrive、D arrive to每个选项都不是很明白请求帮助一一解释!