
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:37:54
Act like a pande是什么意思 怎么读?act like a monkey. 英语改错题.下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正.急.1.Don't leave little Tom at home by him.误:( )正:( )2.Whom do you think is the tallest in your class?误:( )正:( )3.He covered his eyes with hands.误 元史 董文炳传的翻译 元史 良吏传 翻译开头是 林兴祖.结尾是终于家 Be quiet,please.Our teacher ________(study).应填studing 英语翻译1.集议欲稍损其额,以纾民力.2.顾重改成籍而轻弃民命乎.3.是州之粮,比元经理已增一千一百余石. 《元史》谁能帮我翻译下?河西王纳岑岁丁巳奉旨伐宋,攻钓鱼山.又从世祖南涉淮甸,下大清口,获船百馀艘.又率兵平山东济、兖、单等州.及阿裹不哥叛,中统二年与诸王北伐,其子哈海、托欢、 元史 刘因转 翻译 握紧我的手,不要放,陪我一起走到生命的尽头这句话用英语怎么说? 急,请英文高手帮我翻译“那我们一起走到最后吧!” 英语翻译60 miles an hour by new order i don't know if i told you but I'm seeking sanctuary you'd never guess the things that i do i've had the devil around for tea don't you know that i'm here beside you?can't you see that i can't relax?when i sa 让我们一起走到终点好吗?英文怎么说 It reached a speed of forty miles an hour.It _____ forty miles an hour.It reached a speed of forty miles an hour.It _____ forty miles an hour.a.ran b.ran with c.went at d.drove withThere were many loud explosions.There were many loud ______.a.knocks 英文中介词的用法 they talked for an hourthey taled for an hour ,and not once did anyone speak of the reason for the G-man's visit .they taled for an hour中为何要用介词FOR .the reason for the G-man's visit .中的FOR 也是固定搭配 翻译I get my job down to an art, and then I go 90 miles an hour! 我像鸟儿一样快乐有英语怎么写 找一首英文歌 如果你是小鸟,那么快乐就?是如果你是婴儿,那么快乐就是?如果你是马儿,那么快乐就是?如果你是鱼儿,那么快乐就是清清的泉水;如果你是小草,那么快乐就是一束暖暖的阳光;如果你是小鸟, 怎么排列中国 世界 辽宁 沈阳 亚洲 你的妈妈有姐妹吗?用英语怎么说还有他家有6口人,用英语怎么说 英语改错.下列各句均有一处错误,找出来并改正.①They will Show us different something②she has nothing to do.she feels very boring③-Did you buy something for your sister-No,i didn't.④The pie tastes well.Please give me another o 作文如果我是只小鸟 你的快乐就是我的快乐是什么意思思 "你的快乐就是我的快乐"是什么意思?我跟喜欢的MM出去玩.回来以后第二天她发来"你的快乐就是我的快乐" 关于《假如我是鸟》的作文 请问新浪首页http://www.sina.com.cn和新浪新闻/http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/用的是一个域名吗? 假如我是小鸟作文好点的开头结尾,不用整个文章,只需开头结尾.可以抄别的地方的 父与子和大象的作文怎么写 我和大象玩作文怎么写 你愿意和我一起到老,一起走到生命的尽头吗?我愿意!求英语翻译,在线等 一块梯形纸版,上底为20cm,如果下底减少10cm就刚好变成一个平行四边形,面积就是300平方厘米.求原来梯形的面积!